How to Fix Valorant Party Not Ready

Valorant Riot Games
Credit: Riot Games

Valorant Riot Games
Credit: Riot Games

Valorant, Riot Games' popular tactical first-person shooter, has garnered a massive player base since its release, with many looking to enjoy everything that debuted with Episode 7 Act 2. However, like any online game, Valorant isn't without its fair share of technical hiccups.

One such frustrating issue that players encounter is the "Party Not Ready" error. This error message can pop up when you're trying to get into a game with friends, making it seem like the game is preventing you from joining the party.

So let's say you're all set to dive into a nice Valorant ranked session with your friend, trying to see if this new Episode 7 Act 2 map rotation is worth your time. You get your party going, discussing which comp you're going to run, and eagerly await the match to start. But instead of launching into the game, you see the dreaded message: "Party Not Ready."

It can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you're itching to play with your squad. Sometimes, even after patiently waiting, the message persists, and you may even get kicked back to the main menu.

How to fix Valorant Party Not Ready error

The good news is that the solution to the "Party Not Ready" error is relatively straightforward. You just need to exercise a little patience.

When this error occurs, it's often due to a temporary server issue or a delay in synchronizing your party with the game servers. Riot Games is usually quick to address such issues, but it may take a few minutes for the problem to resolve itself.

In the meantime, you can chat with your friends, strategise, or simply take a short break while the game sorts itself out. Avoid spamming the queue button repeatedly, as this can exacerbate the issue. Remember, patience is key here.

Once the error message disappears and your party is ready, you can jump into the game with your friends without any hindrance. It's a minor inconvenience that can be easily overcome.

So, the next time you encounter the "Party Not Ready" error, just remember to stay calm, give it a few moments, and you'll be back in action in no time. Happy gaming!

For more on Valorant, check out all changes with the 7.05 patch.

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