Clash of Clans - How to get League Medals

Clash of Clans League Medals

Clash of Clans League Medals

Clash of Clans has a ton of ways to prove yourself on the battlefield, but none are more important than the monthly clan war leagues. To the winner goes some of the best spoils in the game, as well as the chance to work your way up into the big leagues.

League medals were added along with clan war leagues in the update, and they remain possibly the most valuable currency to this date. Here are all the ways you can get your hands on them, and how to spend them to get the best out of them.

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How to get League Medals in Clash of Clans

At the time of writing, there is only one way to get League medals, and that is to participate in Clan War Leagues. The most important first step is to join a clan, and the clan leader has signed up your clan for war leagues, which any clan with enough members can do.

Clash of Clans war league
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Once you've joined a war, you'll be fighting against 7 other clans, with each player given one attack per day, fighting one clan per day. The leaderboard is decided at the end of the week by stars gained in attacks, or by destruction percentage in the event of a tie.

How many league medals you earn in Clash of Clans is decided by where your clan is placed in the leaderboard, and which league your clan is in. Your clan leader can also give out bonus league medals o the players they think performed best over the week.

How to use League Medals

You can find how many league medals you have in Clash of Clans by navigating to the shop, and then the League shop, denoted by a league medal. You can only do this in your main village. Here you can also spend all the league medals you've amassed so far.

You can choose to spend your league medals on gold and elixir, but some of the best loot in the game is available if you can save up. Hammers of building, fighting, spells, and heroes are available here, as one of the only ways to get them. These can seriously boost your progess to the next town hall in Clash of Clans.

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