Project L Dev Diary - gameplay mechanics revealed in new developer diary

A brand new Project L developer diary has been revealed as new gameplay mechanics are finally revealed.

The beginning of the video showcased some of the champion Illaoi in-game.

She was briefly mentioned in the last developer update. However, she now has around 30% of her champion completed.

The developers are still working on the visual effects and gameplay for her tentacles.

However, the big announcement in the diary was the gameplay mechanics which were explained.

So, let's take a look at the dual gameplay in Project L and how this will work in the game.

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Project L Gameplay Explained

Tom Cannon, Executive Producer of Project L introduced us once again in the developer diary.

The gameplay has had some keywords thrown at it now to help fans imagine how it will play.

Pairing this with the new gameplay videos and the game is looking like its style is almost there.

Project L will be a quick and fluid fighting game with some big air mobility options available too.

With offensive and defensive actions available, it sticks to the typical fighting style of other fighter games.

However, there is one unique selling point which makes gameplay more complex.

READ MORE: *LATEST* Project L Riot Games: Everything we Know so Far

Duo Play

Duo play has been included in Project L to help bring some more complex moves to the game.

Project L gameplay
expand image

Each player will have the main champion and an assist champion to play with and they can be used interchangeably.

These can be used in three ways...

Assist Actions

  • These are performed off-screen and bring in the assist champion to help with the fight.

Handshake Tag

  • This is where champions can swap with each other as long as they're both on the screen.

Dynamic Save

  • These can be performed at the start of a match. The assist champions can come in during a tough time to help save the main champion from death.

READ MORE: *UPDATED* Riot Games Project L: Release Date, Leaks & More

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