Fortnite: Loot Ammo Boxes in Salty Towers or Colossal Coliseum, Season 5 Week 3 Quests Challenge Guide

A new set of Fortnite Season 5 Challenges arrive today, bringing with it more things to do and a healthy number of XP to earn.

For those who don't know, or anyone joining the season late, here's how it works:

Each week players are handed seven Epic quests to complete, as well as one Legendary Quest.

Completing quests will earn players XP, with Epic quests handing out 22,000 XP and the Legendary quest offering a massive 55,000 XP.

Week 3 Challenges Leaked

Here are the Week 3 challenges:

Legendary Challenges

Legendary Challenges are worth 55,000 XP for the first stage and 22,000 XP for each stage after, with a cosmetic reward if you finish all stages.

  • Eliminations while in a Vehicle (5 stages)

Epic Challenges

Epic Challenges are worth 20,000 XP each.

  • Damage players with Assault Rifles or SMGs (0/500)
  • Headshot Damage to players with Pistols or Sniper Rifles (0/200)
  • Destroy Toilets (0/3)
  • Loot Chests in Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges or Retail Row (0/7)
  • Eliminations with Rare weapons or greater (0/3)
  • Eliminations while in a Vehicle (0/1)
  • Loot Ammo Boxes in Salty Towers or Colossal Coliseum (0/7)

Loot Ammo Boxes in Salty Towers or Colossal Coliseum

Dotted around the map are Ammo Boxes, used to get extra ammo to see you through the game.

After all, if you don't have ammo you can't fight, and that means bye bye to that Victory Royale.

NO LOOT NO SHOOT: Players need to loot Ammo Boxes in order to fight.
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NO LOOT NO SHOOT: Players need to loot Ammo Boxes in order to fight.

Season 5 saw various new locations added to the map, including Salty Towers and Colossal Coliseum.

Both of these locations are near the centre of the map in the new sand area.

Salty Towers is where Salty Springs used to be and is a hybrid between Salty Springs and Tilted Towers.

While Colossal Coliseum is where Frenzy Farm once stood on the east side.

Loot seven ammo boxes from either location and the challenge is complete.

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