Cyberpunk: 5 Things We Want to See in Patch 1.1 Update

Cyberpunk 2077 is still a work in progress, as developer CD Projekt RED does its part to rid the game of its most glaring bugs.

It's more than an overstatement to say the game had a rocky debut, but CD Projekt RED has committed to a roadmap of updates and bug fixes to improve the overall experience.

Here are a few asks we have of CD Projekt RED for Patch 1.1 when it's finally set to arrive in Cyberpunk 2077.

1. Frame rate improvements

Cyberpunk 2077's Patch 1.1 update should bring a slew of improvements for players on last-gen consoles.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Hopefully, major improvements are coming to the roads of Night City
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UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Hopefully, major improvements are coming to the roads of Night City

Among them should be major frame rate augments to optimize the game so that there are fewer dips when players are performing a variety of actions, as simple as walking through the streets of Night City.

These changes alone could take the game from being nearly unplayable to viable, which is still a major step up in making it stable for those on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

2. Improved car and driver behavior

As it stands, getting around in Night City by vehicle can be extremely frustrating.

Traffic does not flow correctly (or at all sometimes), drivers behave erratically, and V may even clip into drivers when lifting a car from its owner.

Improvements to both driver routines and AI would be a welcome change to improve Night City's roadways.

CRASH TEST DUMMY - Johnny Silverhand knows a thing or two about crashes
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CRASH TEST DUMMY - Johnny Silverhand knows a thing or two about crashes

Driving is already a major component of Cyberpunk 2077 as you must complete vehicle-centric missions and it's certainly faster than walking.

The game is in dire need of some assistance bringing its driving system up to par with games like Grand Theft Auto, so hopefully, Patch 1.1 can deliver on that.

3. Improved game stability

One of the most frustrating aspects of Cyberpunk 2077 currently is its tendency to crash out of nowhere.

Given that you can't always save when you want to and auto-saving can sometimes be too far back from the ideal respawn point, this can be aggravating beyond belief.

UMM, HELLO? - It's hard to play a game when certain NPCs don't trigger
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UMM, HELLO? - It's hard to play a game when certain NPCs don't trigger

Patch 1.1 should eliminate at least most of these crashes that seemingly occur without good reason to give players a better feeling of security when playing.

No one wants to lose hours of progress in a game that features dozens of missions and side-quests to complete, and crashes should have been on the agenda to resolve before the game was ever pushed out the door.

4. Fixes for failed NPC triggers

Sometimes, NPCs fail to move to areas they need to be in to trigger a variety of game events.

This can result in game-breaking bugs and players being forced to start over from previous saves, losing valuable progress.

Judy is disappointed in how many times you can actually fall through the map.
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Judy is disappointed in how many times you can actually fall through the map.

Patch 1.1 should address these myriad issues, especially a notorious issue that occurs in one of Cyberpunk 2077's earliest missions, where Jackie disappears shortly after walking into a critical mission point in Arasaka Tower.

In addition to failed triggers, the patch should also make sure that models actually load and NPCs appear where they are telegraphed to.

This should make for some satisfying improvements in the game going forward.

5. No more random falling through the map

One of the most pressing fixes Cyberpunk 2077 needs on all platforms is an end to falling through the map at random.

Whether you're driving to a destination or investigating an area, you're in constant danger of falling through the map.

Obviously, this is a major issue when you're trying to work on a mission.

Once you've clipped through the map, there's no coming back, most of the time.

You must reload your save and hope that you had done so frequently enough before the issue happened that you haven't lost any time or progress.

With Patch 1.1, the hope is that these problems and others like them will be resolved.

For everything we know so far about the 1.1 Update - head here.

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