Alberto El Patron talks Eli Drake, family, and more

It's been a roller coaster of a year for Alberto El Patron. Between defeating Bobby Lashley and unifying the GFW Global and Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Championships, his suspension for alleged domestic violence against ex-fiancé and former WWE Divas Champion Paige and their recent breakup, to Impact going through yet ANOTHER slew of changes, the former WWE Champion has had quite a bit on his plate.

RealSport recently sat down with El Patron and he discussed everything from Eli Drake to memories of his father, to how he handled his suspension when all eyes were on him negatively.

RealSport: Can I get your thoughts on Eli Drake winning your title and some of the comments he made after your suspension?

Alberto El Patron: Well, to be honest, I don't really know much of what Eli said after my suspension, which everybody knows was a wrongful suspension. I don't really know but whatever he said, he's going to have to back it up in the ring. He had the opportunity to be in the ring with me once; I took him to school; I taught him a lesson; he had an amazing match for the first time in his life, that's because he was in the ring with Alberto El Patron. So whatever he said, he's going to get the chance in the ring. If I ever open my mouth, I always back it up in the ring or in the street, or anywhere I have to back it up. The difference between he and I, I earned that title. I fought, earned that title against one of the best performers, wrestlers, fighters in the world in [Bobby] Lashley and I won that title after hearing the 1,2,3 from the ref, he got it handed. An early Christmas present for him. He's not a real champion. Real world champions get their titles in the ring and their victories in the battle.

RS: Impact has seen a lot of new faces come through the roster, for you, what are some of the dream matches and opponents you'd like to face and why?

AEP: Well definitely the first one and one I want to happen right away is Eli Drake. I'm gonna kick his ass. I'm gonna erase that smile on his face. I don't even know why he's so happy when he got that title handed to him as an early Christmas present, but he is going to be the first one because he has what is rightfully mine. I earned that title. I battled and fought for that title against one of the best fighters in the business, Bobby Lashley, and that's how you earn the gold by winning after the referee count's 1,2,3. Also, I would love to have a match between El Hijo de Fantasma and Alberto El Patron in Impact Wrestling, I've had the opportunity to wrestle him before, in the Mexican company AAA, but he's amazing. He's been doing great things for the past 5-8 years, and it will be something really interesting for the fans to see, I would really like to have a rematch with him and after I kick Eli Drake's tracero, I would like to have a match with Bobby Lashley.

RS: Following your suspension, it's very easy to criticize you, is there anyone from Impact Wrestling who really supported and helped? Who were the guys that came forward and reached out to you?

AEP: Who supported me from Impact Wrestling? Everybody supported me from Impact Wrestling. I mean the company did what they had to do after that awful incident. They needed to because they had pressure from the network and sponsors. But they also did what the right thing after they heard the evidence and reassured after hearing from the District Attorney that in that stupid incident, I was the victim. Media and fans decided to make it a big thing and blow it out of proportion because that night, it was nothing, me and my fiancé having a bad day arguing, and like any other couple around the world, we argue, some worse than others. That's exactly what it was. Sometimes we say things we don't mean or feel in the heat of the moment, and Impact Wrestling had to do what they needed to do and it was my idea to actually decide to hand over my title and not be the Impact Wrestling Champion anymore because if we don't get the evidence and take responsibility until then, it looks bad. I want to set an example. When I was with the other company, I was also saying why do some rules apply only to some superstars and not the others? Why can the main guys get away with everything and the others get punished? I don't want to be that guy in Impact Wrestling where I'm one of the main guys in the company. I was already the champion but I want the rules to apply to everyone including me. Here's the title, I will get it back in the ring the way it is supposed to be and I will do it when the time is right.

RS: Can you share with the fans some memories that stand out about your dad over the years?

AEP: Oh my God there's so many. My dad has been my best friend. He is my best friend and my mentor. The reason why I am in this beautiful business, he is the one that keeps me sane when I'm not sure about what is going on in the business or where it is taking me. My dad always guides me and helps me pick the best decision in my life and in my career. Just to mention one, the last time in Orlando, where I became the Impact Undisputed Champion, it was fantastic to have my dad in the ring with me and then to go down on my knees and to share those titles with my dad. That is a real moment, there was no pro-wrestling entertaining, there was nothing scripted. It was just the love I have for my father and a proud dad looking at his son witnessing the biggest thing in his career 

RS: How do you feel about the changes going on behind the scene especially with Jeff Jarrett no longer being in charge of creative?

AEP: It's too bad that we no longer have a good person and a good friend supporting me. From the beginning, he was writing amazing things for me, that amazing story with my family and LAX, which was one of my favorite storylines since moving to North America. He's the one, also with John that came up with that but like everything else, the company has got to move on and as long as we move on with the people in charge in Canada with the same energy, with all the new faces in the company, the Mexican wrestlers and the established wrestlers from Impact, we can do some amazing things and take Impact to where it is supposed to be. 

RS: Who if anybody is the biggest obstacle for you in terms of reaching your goals at Impact?

AEP: Umm, I really don't have any obstacles here, I have already reached my goals in Impact. I was already the first ever Undisputed Champion. Now it is about getting back, kicking some tracero and show the people why I've been collecting titles my whole career. Get back to winning and recover what is mine because I never lost it in the ring. I will continue to work hard and make people feel good and get them interested in the company and the project.

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