WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Class Tuning Patch Notes (Dec 20) - fire mage buffs, rogue nerfs & more

WoW Dragonflight

WoW Dragonflight

Now that World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 1 has been live for a week, the developers over at Blizzard Entertainment have released a set of class adjustments.

These include a wide array of changes including buffs to Fire Mages, across-the-board nerfs to Rogues and Enhancement Shaman, and much, much more.

Here are the WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Patch Notes for December 20.

WoW Dragonflight Season 1 Class Tuning Patch Notes (Dec 20)



  • Restoration
    • All healing increased by 5%. This change does not apply to PvP combat.
    • Embrace of the Dream healing increased by 25%.
    • Luxuriant Soil now has a 1.5/3% (was 1/2%) chance to spread Rejuvenation.
      • The tooltip will not reflect this change, but it will be corrected in a future update.

Death Knight

  • Soul Reaper damage increased by 10%.
  • Icy Talons duration increased to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds).
  • Unholy
    • Apocalypse ghoul duration increased to 20 seconds (was 15 seconds).
    • Death Coil damage increased by 10%.
    • Clawing Shadows damage increased by 6%.
    • Scourge Strike damage increased by 6%.
    • Plaguebringer duration increased to 10 seconds (was 5 seconds).
    • Reaping now increases the damage of Soul Reaper, Scourge Strike, Festering Strike, and Death Coil by 25% damage to enemies below 35% health (was 20% increased damage).


  • Disintegrate damage increased by 15%.


  • Marksmanship
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.


  • Fire
    • Pyroblast damage increased by 12%.
    • Ignite damage increased by 5%.
    • Fire Blast damage increased by 12%.
    • Fireball damage increased by 12%.
    • Scorch damage increased by 12%.
  • Frost
    • Ice Lance damage increased by 12%.
    • Flurry damage increased by 15%.
    • Frostbolt damage increased by 15%.
    • Glacial Spike damage increased 15%.
    • Splitting Ice now causes Icicles and Ice Lance to hit another nearby target for 80% (was 65%).
      • The tooltip will not reflect this change, but it will be corrected in a future update.


  • Windwalker
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.


  • Increased the mana cost of Power Word: Shield to 5% of base Mana (was 4%).
  • Shadow
    • Vampiric Touch damage increased by 10%.
    • Shadow Word: Pain damage increased by 10% for Shadow only.
    • Shadowy Apparition Damage increased by 10%.
    • Devouring Plague damage increased by 10%.
    • Void Bolt damage increased by 20%.
    • Mind Blast damage increased by 20% for Shadow only.
    • Mind Spike damage increased by 20%.
    • Mind Flay damage increased by 20%.
    • Idol of Y’shaarj increases damage done by 5% when Mindbender is summoned on a feared target (was 15%).


  • Resounding Clarity now causes Echoing Reprimand to Animacharge 2 additional combo points (was 3).
  • Assassination
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.
    • Fatal Concoction’s damage bonus for weapon poisons reduced to 10% (was 15%).
  • Outlaw
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.
  • Subtlety
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.


  • Enhancement
    • All ability damage reduced by 3%.


  • Affliction
    • Malefic Rapture damage increased 15%.
    • Drain Soul damage increased 20%.
    • Shadow Bolt damage increased 20%.
    • Pandemic Invocation damage increased 500%.
  • Destruction
    • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 5%.


  • Arms
  • All ability damage increased by 3%.
  • Mortal Strike damage increased by 5%.
  • Execute damage increased by 10%.
  • Fury
  • (2) Set Bonus: Execute critical hit chance bonus increased to 25% (was 10%).

Player versus Player

Based on data we’ve observed so far in Season 1, we’re making some PvP-specific adjustments. One of the broader changes we’re making is to target mana regeneration for different healers to better balance their longevity in relationship to throughput in PvP.


  • Restoration
    • Lifebloom healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
    • Lifebloom (Bloom) healing reduced by 10% in PvP combat.
  • Balance
    • Starsurge damage increased by 20% in PvP.
    • Wrath damage increased by 20% in PvP.
    • Starfire damage increased by 20% in PvP.
  • Feral
    • Leader of the Pack now heals for 3% of maximum health (was 5%).


  • Holy
    • Mana regeneration now reduced by 35% (was 40%) in PvP combat.


  • Discipline
    • Mana regeneration now reduced by 5% (was 15%) in PvP combat.
  • Shadow
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  • Reduced the duration of Void Volley: Horrify to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).
  • Reduced the damage of Void Volley by 30%.
  • Reduced the absorption value of Power Word: Shield by 20% in PvP Combat for Shadow only.
  • Reduced the healing transfer of Vampiric Embrace by 20% in PvP Combat.
  • Shadow Word: Death damage reduced by 20% in PvP Combat for Shadow only


  • Blackout Kick damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Tiger Palm damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Mistweaver
    • Mana regeneration now reduced by 15% (was 5%) in PvP combat.
  • Windwalker
    • Strike of the Windlord damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.


  • Numbing Poison’s attack and cast speed debuff effectiveness reduced by 33% in PvP combat.
  • Assassination
    • Deathmark’s damage dealt by duplicated poisons and bleeds reduced by 30% in PvP combat.
      • The tooltip will not reflect this change, but it will be corrected in a future update.
  • Subtlety
    • Secret Technique damage reduced by 30% in PvP combat.


  • Healing Stream Totem healing increased by 15% in PvP combat.
  • Enhancement
    • Reduced the damage of Elemental Blast by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Primordial Wave causes your next Lightning Bolt to hit all targets with Flame Shock for 75% of normal damage for Enhancement only in PvP Combat (was 150%).
  • Restoration
    • Riptide healing increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
  • Elemental
    • Reduced the damage of Elemental Blast by 15% in PvP combat.


  • Demonic Embrace no longer gains 10% additional stamina in PvP.
  • Developers’ note: Warlocks continued to be more survivable than we’d like so we are making further targeted adjustments.
  • Affliction
    • Soulburn Port duration reduced to 6 seconds in PvP.
    • Soulburn Drain Life no longer grants an absorb when healing at full health in PvP.
    • Soulburn Healthstone healing is reduced to 20% (was 30%) in PvP combat.
  • Demonology
    • The cooldown of Call Felhunter is now 60 seconds (was 30 seconds).
  • Destruction
    • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 15% in PvP Combat.
    • Shadowburn damage increased by 30% in PvP Combat.
    • Incinerate damage increased by 30% in PvP Combat.


  • Fury
    • Warpaint now reduces damage taken by 5% (was 10%) while enraged in PvP combat.
  • Protection
    • Shield Slam damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.
    • Rend damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat (Protection Warrior only).
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