Will Skarner Shine in Pro Play With LoL Patch 14.7 Rework?

LoL Earthrune Skarner splash art.
Credit: Riot Games

LoL Earthrune Skarner splash art.
Credit: Riot Games

Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard, has long been a champion in need of an update. Relegated to the bottom tiers of competitive play, his outdated kit lacked what was needed to compete with newer champions. However, after a community vote in 2022, Skarner is finally getting his long-awaited rework in Patch 14.7!

This complete overhaul includes a visual upgrade, lore adjustments, and most importantly, a reworked ability set. But will the changes be enough to propel Skarner back into the pro meta? Let's delve into his rework details and see if the wait has been worth it.

Will the reworked Skarner be viable in pro play?

Skarner's rework in Patch 14.7 promises to be a game-changer for the champion. Gone are the days of clunky crystal spires and underwhelming ganks. Riot Games aims to transform Skarner into a menacing, mobile, and CC-focused jungler capable of ending team fights and turning the tide of battle.

Skarner abilities
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Credit: Riot Games
Skarner abilities

Here is a breakdown of his kit rework:

Passive: Threads of Vibration

  • Applies stacks of "Quaking" to enemies with basic attacks and abilities.
  • Enemies with three stacks take % max HP damage over time.

Q: Shattered Earth/Upheaval

  • Empowers Skarner's next three attacks with bonus damage, range, and attack speed.
  • Third attack slams a rock into the target, slowing and dealing significant damage.
  • Can be recast to throw the rock as a projectile, slowing and damaging the first enemy hit.

W: Seismic Bastion

  • Gains a shield and slams into the ground, releasing a shockwave that damages and slows nearby enemies.

E: Ixtal's Impact

  • Charges forward, ignoring terrain, and grabs the first enemy champion or the large monster he collides with.
  • Carries the target a short distance, damaging and stunning them if they collide with terrain.

R: Impale

  • Impales up to three enemy champions, damaging and suppressing them.
  • Gains bonus movement speed and carries them with him for a short duration.

The reworked kit undeniably has potential and is a step in the right direction. His focus on ganking with abilities like E (Ixtal's Impact) and crowd control with R (Impale) positions him as a potent disrupter in the early jungle. This could translate to an increase in Skarner's pick rate, especially in solo queue where aggressive ganks are often rewarded.

The open question remains, is Skarner good enough for Pro with 14.7 patch rework? Well, we can say that the journey to the pro-dominance is long and winding. The rework is a path in the right direction, but many players remain sceptical about its effectiveness in high-level play.

Lead Champion Designer Blake Smith suggests that coordinated teams will likely find success with the reworked Skarner. However, his engage has a vulnerability: enemies who know how to counter him can CC him during his charge, making it difficult to consistently execute against a prepared team, especially when counter-picked. This limits him from being a high-frequency, blind-pickable champion.

Despite this drawback, Skarner offers significant value to coordinated teams. He brings powerful crowd control and disruption, along with an impressive initiation distance. His ability to phase through walls behind enemies adds another layer of tactical advantage. The AoE ultimate further enhances his teamfight prowess, making him a valuable asset.

Nevertheless, patch 14.7 is everything we wanted for Skarner at this point. it is a shakeup on a positive note and whether he becomes the top in the professional meta or thrives in the solo queue remains to be seen.

What we can say is that the future for Skarner finally seems brighter after years of being almost the weakest jungler. The coming weeks will be filled with experiments on different Skarner builds as he reclaims the throne.

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