LoL: Heavenscale skinline brings incredible skins

LoL Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
Credit: Riot Games

LoL Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin
Credit: Riot Games

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The LoL Patch 14.3 goes live tomorrow and it brings with it the Heavenscale skinline. This skinline is a way to celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year, and its designs take a lot of inspiration from the Chinese tradition.

There are a total of seven Heavenscale skins coming to the game and every single one of them looks astonishing. Fans can't wait to get their hands on them and it's easy to see why once you take a look at them.

So let's find out everything about the Heavenscale skinline.

Heavenscale skinline release date

The Heavenscale skinline is coming to League of Legends on 7 February, at 5pm GMT. It arrives at the game at the same time as the LoL Patch 14.3.

Heavenscale skins

As mentioned above, seven Heavenscale skins are coming to the game. They are unique, look astonishing and are a great way to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

LoL Heavenscale Lee Sin skin
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Credit: Riot Games
This is the standard Heavenscale Lee Sin skin

The champions that will receive a Heavenscale skin are Lee Sin, Diana, Ezreal, Janna, Kai'sa, and Master YI. It's worth noting that, Lee Sin is getting two Heavenscale skins, the standard Heavenscale Lee Sin skin and the Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin one.

LoL Heavenscale skinline price

All of the Heavenscale skins will cost 1350 RP, apart from the Heavenscale Lee Sin skin which is slightly more expensive, costing 1820 RP.

It's worth noting that we still don't know how much the Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin skin will cost, or if you will even be able to acquire it in the store.

LoL Heavenscale Diana
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Credit: Riot Games
Heavenscale Diana

There is a strong chance the way to obtain the skin is directly connected with the upcoming Lunar Revel event, but we still don't have confirmation on that.

We will continue to update this article with new information, so make sure to bookmark it.

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