LoL Patch 13.12: Champions that dominate pro play receive huge nerfs

LoL Patch 13.12

LoL Patch 13.12

A new patch has arrived LoL, and it brings plenty of changes. Just like usual, Riot Games developers looked at the data from ranked and competitive play to see which champions needed to be tuned down or up.

They found out there are plenty of champions that have been dominating the professional scene. However, these champions don't have the same performance in ranked play.

So, most of the changes made in patch 13.12 will have a huge impact on LoL pro play, while still making the champions viable in ranked. But some of the nerfs are still huge, and will make champions drop quite a few spots in the priority order.

Without further ado, let's see the changes that patch 13.12 brings us.

Zeri, Yuumi, and K'Sante got hit by the LoL Nerf hammer

As mentioned above, most of the champions that were nerfed in this patch had been dominating the professional scene. Zeri, Yuumi, and K'Sante were some of them, with Kha'Zix and Lulu also being a part of that list.

Everyone that has been following the LoL professional scene knows that Zeri and Yuumi were either banned or picked every game. They were the best bot lane duo in the game, and once Zeri reached 3 items she would just take over the game.

So, developers decided it was time for both to get nerfed.

Zeri's main passive Not So Fast was removed. This passive allowed Zeri to steal 45% of the shields she damaged and also gain 10% movement speed for 2 seconds. Her Q passive, which is called Burst Fire, was moved to her main passive.

LoL Patch 13.12 Zeri
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However, Zeri's main nerf is the fact her Q no longer activates the Sheen. This means her Trinity Force power spike is much weaker. Zeri received a small buff to her E, with the critical strike multiplier going from 65% to 85%.

As for Yuumi, her whole kit was nerfed. The world most hated cat, saw her W heal and shield power being reduced. It went from 10-20% Heal and Shield Power (based on ally level) to 5/7.5/10/12.5/15% (based on spell rank).

Yuumi E ability was also severely nerfed. The shield value decreased heavily from 90/120/150/180/210 (+30% AP) to 80/105/130/155/180 (+ 30% AP). While her attack speed buff went from 35% (+8% per 100 AP) to 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%. Yuumi Ultimate was also nerfed and now does 25/40/55 (+ 15% AP) damage per hit.

LoL Patch 13.12 K'Sante
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K'Sante nerf was a small one. Despite dominating professional play, where he is a tank capable of solo killing and ADC, his ranked win rate is very low.

So developers decided to make a small nerf, by increasing the cooldown of his E. K'Sante E cooldown went from 9/8.5/8/7.5/7 seconds to 10.5/10/9.5/9/8.5 seconds. A small but still notable change.

Other champions that were nerfed were Gragas, Lulu, and Kha'Zix. Gragas passive cooldown increased to 12, while Kha'Zix's basic attack damage decreased to 60.

As for Lulu, her base armor and magic damage was decreased. However, her shield value was slightly increased.

Sivir, Ashe and Kai'Sa are meta once again?

While plenty of champions got nerfed, some also received meaningful buffs. That's the case of Sivir, Ashe and Kai'Sa, who have been sitting at the bottom of the ADC tier list for quite some time.

Ashe's passive now does more bonus damage, going from 115% critical change to 120%. Her W damage also saw a small increase, and now does 20/35/50/65/80 (+100% AD) physical damage. Last but not least, Ashe Ultimate now does more AP damage, with 120% AP damage.

LoL Patch 13.12 Kai'Sa
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Kai'Sa buff was a simple but effective one. Her attack damage growth went from 2 to 2.6.

As for Sivir, her attack damage growth was decreased to 2.5, but her Ricochet bounce damage was increased to 30/35/40/45/50% AD.

Even with these buffs, it will be hard for these champions to become meta once again. Despite the nerfs they received in the last patch, Jinx and Aphelios are still pretty strong. Zeri will continue to be a viable pick, and other ADCs like Lucian, Xayah, or Draven are in a better place right now.

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