FIFA 22: This trading method will make you MILLIONS of coins in Ultimate Team

The promos are coming thick and fast in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, with the Team of the Group Stage (TOTGS) event set to kick off very soon.

So, you'll need some coins to make your investments and open those packs!

Well, we've got you covered, as we'll take you through a couple of very simple trading methods that are very effective in FUT 22 at this current time.

Flipping Silvers

Flipping Silver cards is an incredibly effective method of increasing your coin balance and can be performed with just a few thousand in the bank to start with.

The process is simple. Firstly, you need to identify how much certain silvers sell for on 'buy now', take La Liga Silver Rares, for example, which sell for 700 coins on 'buy now'.

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EASY MONEY - Flipping Silver cards is a quick and easy method of making coins

All you need to do is bid at 400/450 coins on loads of these La Liga Silver Rares (and you will win plenty), then sell them for the buy now price of 700 coins.

Once you have a flow of items being won on bid and selling on buy now on the transfer list, whilst continuing to bid on new items, you'll see the coins flowing in.

Bronze Pack Method

The Bronze Pack Method (PBM) is alive and well in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team!

The BPM has been a way of making coins for several years in Ultimate Team, but many feared it had died with the removal of the 400 coin pack in FIFA 22.

However, since EA added the League SBCs, the Bronze Pack Method has become one of the best ways to slowly build up your coins consistently.

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FIFA HERITAGE - BPM has been a popular method for years now

All the Bronze Pack Method involves is buying Bronze Packs and selling the items inside - it may not sound too profitable but it really can be.

Pretty much all Bronze players from the top five leagues (Premier League, Bundesliga, La Liga, Ligue 1 and the Serie A) sell for around 1,000-3,000 coins.

Plus, due to the League SBCs that are currently out, players from more obscure leagues, such as the EFL Championship, can also sell for thousands a pop.

Other items in the pack can also provide huge profit, for example, French managers sell for 5,000 coins instantly on buy now!

So, it's worth quickly checking every item's value before deciding whether to sell.

Any players that are worth less than 250 coins can be used for Silver Upgrade SBCs, and any non-player items that are worth less than 250 coins can be quick sold.

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