Madden 22: How to fix Face of the Franchise halftime & slow motion bug

Madden 22 has been less than perfect since being released, and Face of the Franchise is just one of many game modes facing several bugs and glitches.

If you're up against the halftime freezing, slow motion, or John Madden name change bugs in Face of the Franchise, we've got some temporary ways to fix these glitches in Madden 22.

Madden 22: How to fix Face of the Franchise bugs and glitches

While the most devastating and frustrating bug facing most players right now is in Franchise Mode, there are a few plaguing those in Face of the Franchise as well.

Three big issues have been popping up, and we're gonna take a look at each of them here as well as see if there is a temporary fix to keep your Madden 22 games going until a proper update is given to remedy the issues.

Face of the Franchise: Halftime Freezing Bug

Multiple players have been reporting an issue in Face of the Franchise that occurs at halftime when playing through a game, but only if you're player locked and have possession of the ball at halftime.

While it's not perfectly clear yet, the issue does seem to be linked to a similar bug popping up in Franchise Mode where the second half can't begin unless it's being simulated.

Normally the usual sequence shows during halftime, but once you attempt to skip it and get back to the game, things freeze up and the game gets locked into a view of the stadium without you being able to control it.

Madden 22 bugs glitches face of the franchise name
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IN PROGRESS: EA is apparently looking into fixes for these issues

While there hasn't yet been an update or Patch Notes confirming a fix, EA has responded to reports of the issue and stated they are looking into the situation.

Some players reported that deleting and reinstalling the full Madden 22 game remedied the issue, but others stated the same fix failed, so that's not a guaranteed option.

In the same thread, there were also reports of freezing during a cutscene connected to the Hawaii game and airplane scene, and it seems to be a similar freezing issue.

Another reply in the thread about this issue stated to try deleting any extra Face of the Franchise save files. One player stated they'd had a previous QB save file prior to starting one as a WR and that deleting the inactive QB file fixed this issue.

EA reiterated in the thread that they're working on the issue and hope a fix will roll out with the next update, but they didn't offer any indication as to when that update and the Patch Notes for it will arrive.

Face of the Franchise: Slow Motion Running Back & Wide Receiver Glitch

Another issue facing some in Face of the Franchise seems specific to when you play as a running back or wide receiver, and the result is your player moving in slow motion.

While the issue seemed to initially be a game bug slowing down your character, the glitch appears to exist with the actual calculation of stats in the game.

As some explained in this thread reporting the issue, it appears to be rooted in a Gameday Goal boosting your player's speed above 100, which causes it to reset to 0 before continuing to increase, leaving players with a speed rating as low as 30 or even 10.

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SLOW IT DOWN: That's what this bug unfortunately is doing

Some stated this happened in Week 9, but it's not clear if that's always the case, and the temporary fix appears inconsistent.

One reply to the thread about this bug indicated that finishing that game can cause the bug to continue for the rest of the season, but simulating to the next week instead of finishing the game can remedy it.

EA has not yet responded to the report or acknowledged that a fix is in the works.

Face of the Franchise: John Madden or Generic Player Name Change

In perhaps one of the more amusing but ultimately still frustrating issues in Madden 22, many players ran into trouble when setting their name for Face of the Franchise.

The original report stated the game caused some to have their Face of the Franchise player name reset to John Madden rather than the name they chose to input, and a few later stated it was being reset to Generic Player.

Since an initial report as far back as August 13, 2021, just after the game released via the EA Play Trial, the thread reporting the problem has amassed a full 11 pages worth of replies with other players facing the same problem.

EA quickly responded and stated the issue is actually down to the profanity and swear filter in Madden 22, which for some reason was picking up many different name as offensive language.

Figuring out exactly which names are up against this isn't an easy task, as a majority of the name input by those reporting these trouble were later edited to "[Removed - Admin.]", and EA stated it was to protect privacy for players as these posts were on a public forum.

From those that are still visible on the post, the following names are apparently being deemed profane by Madden 22: Simpson, Burnzee Boyee, Deshawn Morris, McCune, Tangard, Nofsinger, TacocaT, Shibusawa, Dixon, Kelly, Kuhn, Clanton, Brodie, Martinez, Ringer, Keel, King, Sena Kobayakawa, Michael Johnson, Hart, Gay, Kobylski, Nagordki, Nathan Taylor, Cameron Cunningham, Dez Smith, Wilcox, Carson Kelley, and Eric Dickerson.

However, despite EA specifically stating this is linked to the profanity filter, one player did give a workaround that seems to be remedying the issue in some cases while linking it to a completely different problem.

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HOTFIX: Try getting pass the draft to see if your name is fixed

The bug could be related to using the same last name as one of the other players on the college team you're given at the start of Face of the Franchise, and apparently the name itself gets fixed after your player is drafted.

However, some stated the commentary was still bugged and their player would continue to be referred to as John Madden, despite their name visually changing following the draft.

If you're facing the issue, attempt to get past the draft to see if that fixes things, but in the meantime you can also reply to this thread with the name you can't use in hopes that EA will take note and fix it being viewed as profanity.

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