2K Week is in full swing, with the release date edging ever closer!
You'll be able to get your hands on the new title on Friday, 4 September and get stuck into all the new features the game has to offer.
But how will the new Limited mode shape up? And how will it affect the Auction House on NBA 2K21?
2K's answer to Weekend League?
Limited is a new mode within MyTEAM that will see players compete under a strict set of restrictions each weekend.
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It looks set up to be 2K's version of EA's popular Weekend League format - used in their FIFA franchise - as players compete for Championship Rings that can later be exchanged for top tier rewards.

WEEKEND LEAGUE! It will have a different set of rewards, but the concept is similar!
But with a range of other modes seeing big updates - particularly Unlimited 2.0 - there is a belief that this could be a more casual mode for 2K enthusiasts to get stuck into.
Big changes to the Auction House
The rules within Limited means that each week, players will be required to meet a certain set of requirements within their squad.
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One week players may be asked to use only silver cards, another they may be asked to use players that are over 30 years of age. There are very few limitations in terms of what can be asked of you.
This means that there is the potential for the Auction House to see some pretty big changes. It may be a case of luck, but if you're smart about it, there is the opportunity to make some serious coin through trading.
Investing Wisely
It hasn't been confirmed when you will know of the restrictions that will be set for your squad, but we imagine it will be on the first day of the weekend.
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This means that players won't be able to plan their team in advance, and it will also mean that there will be big price hikes during the first day of the competition whilst players rush to make their squad in order to compete.

AUCTION HOUSE! The 2K21 Auction House could be busier than ever before
But by investing wisely, you might be able to take advantage of the fluctuating market. It will involve a bit of luck, but if you know there hasn't been a restriction on player quality in two or three weeks, it might be worth investing in a handful of lower quality cards in the hope that it comes up the following weekend.
One thing that is for sure, the 2K21 Auction House is going to be a hard one to keep up with!
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