FIFA 22 TOTY 12th Man: Fan's Choice vote out now with THREE superstars

Team of the Year is well underway in FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, with the Attackers having come and gone from packs, and Midfielders currently available.

We are yet to see the full stats for the Defenders and Goalkeeper, but before we see that there is another important vote you need to get involved with.

The TOTY Fan's Choice vote will decide the 12th Player inclusion, so make your decision wisely.

The Nominees

We have expected it for some time, but now we have official confirmation of the 12th Player contenders.

FIFA 22 Fan's Choice
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TROUBLESOME TRIO - Who gets your vote?

Mohamed Salah, Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema are the three to choose from, with the winner receiving a full TOTY card upgrade.

Each of them would be immense in FIFA 22, with the choice in your hands.

What is the 12th Player?

With limited space available in the Ultimate XI, EA introduced the 12th Player to Team of the Year to reward someone who is just as deserving to gain an incredible card, if there was just that little extra room.

Last year, Lionel Messi picked up the spot, with EA saying:

He was close to making the ultimate XI, but your votes made sure Lionel Messi is recognised for his incredible year as the TOTY 12th Player!

How to vote for TOTY 12th Player

Voting for the Team of the Year 12th Man is very simple.

All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Launch FIFA 22.
  • Open Ultimate Team.
  • Try to open any pack from the Store (you will be prompted with a message saying you have unsigned items to deal with).
  • Once the Player Pick appears, select your pick from the three-man shortlist.

You will also receive a one-game, loan version of your selection as a result of casting your vote that you can keep in your club to help you through any FUT Friendly challenges!

TOTY schedule

As expected, the Team of the Year came to the game in mid-January.

TOTY Schedule:

  • Friday, 7 January - Forward Nominees revealed
  • Saturday, 8 January - Midfield Nominees revealed
  • Sunday, 9 January - Defender & Goalkeeper Nominees revealed
  • Monday, 10 January - Voting begins
  • Tuesday, 18 January - Voting closes
  • Thursday, 20 January - TOTY revealed
  • Friday, 21 January - Attackers released in packs
  • Sunday, 23 January - Midfielders replace Attackers in packs
  • Monday, 24 January - 12th Player vote opens
  • Tuesday, 25 January - Defenders and Goalkeeper replace Midfielders in packs (predicted)
  • Friday, 28 January - Full TOTY in packs (predicted) and 12th Man

Mohamed Salah

FIFA 22 TOTY Mohamed Salah Prediction
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UNLUCKY - He's already missed out on the starting XI, and could miss out on another

Currently, he is one of the best players in the world, if not the best.

After missing out on the Ultimate XI, will his astonishing year be rewarded with the 12th Player inclusion?

We're not too sure, with many people likely to pick another card instead of him.

Better luck next year Mo.

Cristiano Ronaldo

FIFA 22 TOTY Prediction Cristiano Ronaldo
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A GOAT - How can it be that there are two greatest of all times?!

The reason we don't think Salah will take the spot is due to this man.

A Team of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo would be an absolute beast to play with, and that alone could sway the vote his way.

It's not like he would be undeserving either, finishing as the top scorer in Serie A, before seemingly single-handedly dragging Manchester United through the Champions League group stage.

Karim Benzema

FIFA 22 TOTY Prediction Benzema
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KING KARIM - Benzema is flying at Real Madrid

Karim Benzema was in with an outside chance of getting in the TOTY, and we think he's in with an outside chance for the 12th Player too.

Despite being in the form of his life with 30 goals last season and 20 so far this, we don't see the FUT community going for him.

Instead, an Honourable Mention may be coming his way.

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