UFC 4: Complete Controls Guide - Offense, Defense, Stand-Up, Clinch, Ground, Grapple & more

UFC 4 is finally here!

It has been some two years since EA released its predecessor - UFC 3 - and now we finally have a brand new MMA game to get stuck into!

Table of Contents

As always, the best place to start is with the controls. There aren't many changes from UFC 3, here are all the controls you need to know for UFC 4.


You'll spend the vast majority of your fights on your feet, so being good when it comes to stand-up is always handy.

  • Left Leg Kick - X / A
  • Right Leg Kick - O / B
  • Right Punch - ∆ / Y
  • Left Punch - â–¡ / X
  • Locomotion - Left Analogue Stick
  • Head Movement - Right Analogue Stick
  • Taunts - D Pad
  • Technical Modifier - L1 / LB
  • Body Modifier - L2 / LT
  • Signature Modifier - R1 / RB
  • High Block / Feint Strike - R2 / RT
  • Low Block / (Timed) Leg Catch - L2 & R2 / LT & RT

Stand-Up Grapple

  • Wrestling Single Leg - L2 + â–¡ / LT + X
  • Wrestling Double Leg - L2 + ∆ / LT + Y
  • Power Single Leg Takedown - L2 + L1 + â–¡ / LT + LB + X
  • Power Double Leg Takedown - L2 + L1 + ∆ / LT + LB + Y
  • Single Collar Clinch - R1 + â–¡ / RB + X
UFC 4 Stand Up Controls
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ON YOUR FEET! Stand Up fighting is the key to the start of any battle

Stand-Up Grapple Defense

  • Defend Takedown - L2 + R2 / LT + RT
  • Defend Clinch - Right Analogue Stick

READ MORE: Everything we know about UFC 4

Core Strikes

  • Hooks - L1 + â–¡ / L1 + ∆ / LB + X / LT + Y
  • Uppercuts - â–¡ + X / ∆ + O / X + A / Y + B
  • Overhands - R1 + HOLD â–¡ / R1 + HOLD ∆ / RB / HOLD X / RB + HOLD Y
  • Body Kicks - L2 + X / L2 + O / LT + A / LT + B
  • Head Kicks - L1 + X / L1 + O / LB + A / LB + B

Advanced Movement

  • Minor Lunge - Flight Left Analogue Stick -
  • Major Lunge - L1 + Left Analogue Stick / LB + Left Analogue Stick


Your ability to clinch well is also very important. Get your clinch wrong and your opponent will have you on the floor in an instant.

  • Left Knee - X / A
  • Right Knee - O / B
  • Right Punch - ∆ / Y
  • Left Punch - â–¡ / X
  • Rotate, Push and Pull Opponent - Left Analogue Stick
  • Grapple Stick - Right Analogue Stick
  • Advanced Transition Modifier - L1 / LB
  • Takedown / Submission Modifier - L2 / LT
  • Strike Modifier - R1 / RB
  • High Block - R2 / RT
  • Low Block - L2 & R2 / LT & RT


  • Wrestling Single Leg - L2 + HOLD â–¡ / LT + HOLD X
  • Wrestling Double Leg - L2 + HOLD ∆ / LT + HOLD Y
  • Power Single Leg Takedown - L2 + L1 + HOLD â–¡ / LT + LB + HOLD X
  • Power Double Leg Takedown - L2 + L1 + HOLD ∆ / LT + LB + HOLD Y
  • Single/Double Leg Modifier - Left Analogue Stick
  • Advance Position - R1 + â–¡ / R1 + ∆ / RB + X / RB + Y
  • Trip / Throw - R1 + X / R1 + O / RB + A / RB + B
  • Submissions - L2 + R1 + â–¡ / L2 + R1 + ∆ / LT + RB + X / LT + RB + Y
UFC 4 Grapple
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CLINCH! There has been big improvements to the clinch game in UFC 4.

Grapple Defense

  • Defend Takedown/Throw - L2 + R2 / LT + RT
  • Defend Submission - R2 / RT
  • Single/Double Leg Defense Modifier - Left Analogue Stick
  • Clinch Escape - Left Analogue Stick

Core Strikes

  • Hooks - L1 + â–¡ / L1 + ∆ / LB + X / LB + Y
  • Uppercuts - â–¡ + X / ∆ + O / X + A / Y + B
  • Body Knees - L2 + X / L2 + O / LT + A / LT + B
  • Head Knees - L1 + X / L1 + O / LB + A / LB + B
  • Elbows - L1 + â–¡ + X / L1 + ∆ + O / LB + X + A / LB + Y + B


The final of the three main areas of your fight is the ground.

READ MORE: UFC 4: Full Soundtrack REVEALED

Perform poorly on the ground and you're in big trouble. Your opponent will have you tapping out before you know it.

  • Left Knee - X / A
  • Right Knee - O / B
  • Right Punch - ∆ / Y
  • Left Punch - â–¡ / X
  • Grapple Stick - Right Analogue Stick
  • Advanced Transition GNP Modifier - L1 / LB
  • Body Shots - L2 / LT
  • GNP Modifier -R1 / RB
  • High Block - R2 / RT
  • Low Block - L2 & R2 / LT & RT

Grapple Assist and Defense

  • Get Up - Left Analogue Stick UP
  • Submission - Left Analogue Stick LEFT
  • Ground and Pound - Left Analogue Stick RIGHT
  • Defend Transition - R2 + Right Analogue Stick / R2 + Left Analogue Stick
UFC 4 Ground
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ON THE GROUND! It's the best place to finish a fight, but you've got to get it right!

Legacy Grapple Controls

  • Transition - Right Analogue Stick
  • Submission - L2 + Right Analogue Stick / LT + Right Analogue Stick
  • Additional Transitions - L1 + Right Analogue Stick + LB + Right Analogue Stick

Ground And Pound

  • Hooks - L1 + â–¡ / L1 + ∆ / LB + X / LB + Y
  • Body Straights - L2 + â–¡ / L2 + ∆ / LT + X / LT + Y
  • Body Hooks - L2 + L1 + â–¡ / L2 + L1 + ∆ / LT + LB + X / LT + LB + Y
  • Elbows - L1 + â–¡ / L1 + ∆ / LB + X / LB + Y
  • Head Movement - Right Analogue Stick LEFT or RIGHT
  • Post Defense - L1 + Right Analogue Stick LEFT or RIGHT / LB + Right Analogue Stick LEFT or RIGHT

READ MORE: UFC 4: Top 10 Fighters

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