How To Befriend Wild Animals In The Sims 4: Cottage Living

One of the cutest features that came with The Sims 4: Cottage Living expansion is the ability to befriend wild animals that you meet. Now, this isn't always the best idea in real life but this is a video game, so it's pretty safe.

So we're going to show you how to befriend wild animals in The Sims 4: Cottage Living

Befriending Animals In The Sims 4: Cottage Living


To befriend wild foxes in Cottage Living, you'll have to build up their trust. This can be done using gifts or with positive social interactions. No matter your relationship with foxes, you cannot house them on your farm like other animals.

The Sims 4 Cottage Living Foxes
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FANTASTIC: Foxes can be deadly for your chickens, but they'll leave them alone when friendly.

Foxes have a tendency to steal your Sims chickens from time to time so in befriending them, you have the ability to ask them to leave your chickens alone. Everyone's a winner!


Birds is a bit of a broad term here but once you manage to befriend one bird in Cottage Living, you will befriend them all, regardless of breed.

The Sims 4 Cottage Living Birds
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FRIENDS: You can pull a Snow White and start singing with friendly birds

Getting in good with birds revolves around giving them gifts and each animal has different gifts that are their favourite. Once you befriend birds, your Sim will be able to sing along with them with the downside being that birds tend to be quite... messy, if you know what we're saying.


Befriending rabbits in Cottage Living is very similar to the other wild animals in that positive interactions and gifts is the way to their hearts. Gee, these animals seem a little shallow if all they want is gifts in exchange for friendship.

The Sims 4 Cottage Living Rabbits
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BEHIND YOU: We're just going to pretend this Fox is friendly.

The upside of befriending a rabbit is that they'll keep unwanted wild rabbits off your land. The better your relationship with rabbits (and the same goes for birds) the more likely they are to return the favour and bring gifts for your Sim.