Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak has been long-awaited by veteran and newbie hunters all around the world.
With players on Steam rating the demo with a nine and a half out of ten, the paid DLC for Monster Hunter Rise is already proving to be successful. Additionally, new mechanics, new wirebug moves and silk bind opportunities will freshen up Sunbreak and provide some quality-of-life improvements.
The release day is approaching, so here is all the information needed to become a master in the world of Monster Hunter Rise.
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Release Time
The game will be available to play on June 30. Just two days until we will be roaming the new Jungle map and taking out the vampire-themed dragon Malzeno.
The update will be released on the day and will allow those who pre-ordered or purchased the DLC to have access to the new content included in Sunbreak.
Download Size
Capcom has revealed that Sunbreak will have a whopping 13 GB download size on the Nintendo Switch. With all of the base game updates included, this takes more storage than the base game.
The storage required on Steam is a little lower at 10 GB. Similarly, with the update coming out on release day, hunters are making sure they have enough storage on their consoles beforehand.

Fans are technically getting an entirely new game for just the price of this Sunbreak DLC. With all the missions, mechanics, and monsters being added, this is definitely a bang for your buck.
Malzeno Difficulty
The poster boy for Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, Malzeno, had an extremely tricky quest that only elite players could solve. This is typical of the series as Magnamalo had the same with the demo for the base game.
The Sunbreak quest itself wasn't so tricky. But pairing the quest along with the low-level equipment provided and the time limit of just 15 minutes? That's enough for any mastered hunter to struggle.

There has been fan speculation that the difficulty of Malzeno will be seriously reduced when hunters get in-game. With hunters being used to their own equipment, having a longer time to fight, and more buffs to help, it should prove an easy fight.