How many levels are there in Back 4 Blood?

With Back 4 Blood now available to play, we've been taking in the brilliant campaign mode which takes us way back to the Left 4 Dead days. This is no surprise given that the same studio worked on both games, but the refinements made to adjust everything to 2021 are fantastic.

That being said, many are left wondering whether or not the length of the campaign is up to scratch. Well, we can tell you exactly how long the campaign is and how the structure works...

How long is the Back 4 Blood Campaign?

There are thirty-three unique levels in the Back 4 Blood campaign. There isn't necessarily a fixed structure to this but they are broken down between four Acts.

Back 4 Blood Levels, Acts and Campaign
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The way each set of levels works is that each Act has stages and each stage has up to five levels within. Each stage is essentially a bulk of gameplay between story advancement. As an example, we'll take the first stage of Act I.

Before you begin, you are treated to a cutscene outlining what the current situation is and introduced to four cleaners. You then take on the next four levels through to the end of stage one.

After The Crossing level, there is another cutscene introducing the remaining four Cleaners and pushing the story along further. This format is followed throughout the game up to the final Act and level.

How long does it take to Complete Back 4 Blood?

This is a trickier question to answer. If playing solo on medium difficulty, the entire campaign could take up to 7/8 hours. This is taking into account that some levels are longer than others and a big event-level could require the odd restart if you die.

Overall, it's quite a meaty experience compared to how people imagined it would be before release. The entire game is best played with friends though and that can either shorten or lengthen completion time depending on how reliable they are!