Brooklyn Nets channel NBA 2K22 with new VR game "Netaverse"

There are a lot of talks concerning the "metaverse" and the Brooklyn Nets have taken a step to embrace the new technology with the "Netaverse".

This new experience mimics NBA 2K22 in the fact that it drops players into another immersive realm, similar to a video game.

Let's go over the Brooklyn Nets "Netaverse", how to watch, and how it's similar to NBA 2K22.

Brooklyn Nets introduce the "Netaverse"

With everyone trying to stay up to date with the latest trends, including NBA 2K22, it's no shock that the Nets have brought VR to the organization.

The Netaverse debuted on January 17, 2022, and it showcased an immersive VR experience that drops fans right in the center of the action.

Although it's only a short video above, it gives fans a good idea of what to expect in the future from the Netaverse. Honestly, it reminds us of the different camera angles in NBA 2K22.

The way you'll be able to watch the Netaverse is by watching the Brooklyn Nets games on the YES Network. You can follow them on Twitter for updates here.

How it compares to NBA 2K22

The fun part about the Netaverse is how similar the camera angles are to NBA 2K22. Honestly, that's probably what the YES Network is trying to emulate.

If you haven't had the chance to check out various angles in NBA 2K22, we'd suggest you try it out. The one most similar to the Netaverse is 2K Low and Swivel.

NBA 2K22 Netaverse camera
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FULL IMMERSION: Adjust your camera settings to mimic VR

Although the Netaverse is still in its infancy, expect a ton of new stuff to come in the future. Also, you can anticipate plenty of teams partnering with networks for their own VR experience.

Keep an eye on a merger between NBA 2K22 and the NBA metaverse which is inevitable to come in the long haul.

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