The spookiest time of the year has finally arrived in Azeroth for both Classic and Shadowlands. It's time for Hallow's End!
Celebrating the break of the Forsaken from the Scourge, this harrowing event brings World of Warcraft players tons of tricks, plenty of treats, and of course, the Headless Horseman.
With that, here's a guide on Hallow's End for both WoW Classic WotLK and Shadowlands.
Wickerman's XP Buff in Hallow's End
Apart from the tricks and treats, one of the main benefits of Hallow's End is the event's buff, "Invocation of the Wickerman". This buff increases experience earned and reputation gained by 10% and lasts for two hours.

In order to obtain it, you will need to interact with the Wickerman Festival NPCs in Tirisfal Glades, close to the border to Silverpine Forest. There are different ways to go about getting the buff between Classic WotLK and Shadowlands.
Classic WotLK
In Classic, Horde players can obtain the buff at any time between the hours of 8 pm and 6 am server time. All you have to do is loot the Wickerman Ember that will be on the ground around the Wickerman statue. For Alliance players, however, it's a bit more difficult. Instead of just simply lotting the Wickerman Ember, you have to aggro one of the Wickerman Guardians that is guarding the Wickerman statue and kill them. They come with a hefty amount of HP so they can be difficult to solo. Once they're dead, loot the Wickerman Ember for the buff.
In Shadowlands, this comes easier as not only can the buff be obtained any time throughout the day, all you have to do is interact with the piles of ash from the Burning Wickerman.
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Activities to do during Hallow's End
There are plenty of activities to partake in during the Hallow's End event. From Trick or Treating and looting candy buckets to apple bobbing and putting out fires, there is no shortage of action. And although Classic doesn't offer as many things to do compared to Shadowlands, there is still plenty of fun to be had.
Here's a rundown of what you can partake in for both Classic and Shadowlands.
- Go Trick or Treating - every hour you can talk to any innkeeper to be either tricked or treated
- If Tricked, you'll gain a costume
- If Treated, you'll receive a Treat Bag (Tricky Treat), Flimsy Masks, and Hallowed Wands
- Loot Candy Buckets - most Inns across Azeroth and Outland (Northrend, Cataclysm, and Pandaria for Shadowlands) have Candy Buckets that can be looted for a "Handful of Candy" and provide a Treat Bag, Flimsy Masks, and Hallowed Wands
- Try your hand at Apple Bobbing - there are open vats of water with floating apples in them, just click them and gain 5 "Bobbing Apples" for free. The Bobbing Apples provide a Stamina and Spirit food buff
- Put Out the Headless Horseman's Fires - the Headless Horseman terrorizes a number of villages across Azeroth throwing flaming pumpkins at buildings. By way of quests and eventually dailies, you can fight these fires, throwing buckets of water to put them out
- Give Candy to Orphans - take on a quest that has you travel to major cities and earning candies to give to an orphan
- Celebrate with the Forsaken during the Wickerman Festival - participate in the festivities that symbolize the Forsaken breaking free from the Lich King's power and earning their free will with quests
- Collect your Witch hats (Shadowlands) - travel to Val'sharah and undertake a quest that begins with the Hag of the Crooked Tree in Bradesbrook and earn some witchy headwear
Items to earn in Hallow's End
Many of the aforementioned activities award players numerous items and rewards.

Here's what there is to earn for both Classic and Shadowlands.
- Flimsy Masks
- Hallowed Wands
- Hallow's End Pumpkin Treats
- Jack-o'-Lanterns Bag
- Pumpkin Bag
- Treat Bag
- Costumes
- Weight Jack-o'-Lantern
- Handful of Candy
- Candy
- Trick Treat
- Tricky Treats can be used to purchase various items such as cosmetics, candy, and more
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The Headless Horseman in Hallow's End
To many, Hallow's End's main attraction is the battle against the Headless Horseman.

Like Ahune for the Midsummer Fire Festival and Coren Direbrew for Brewfest, the Headless Horseman is a mount that players can fight during the Hallow's End event once per day.
He drops an assortment of loot ranging from rings and some pieces of armor to mounts.
Here's the full list of drops:
- Ring of Ghoulish Glee (Physical DPS Ring)
- The Horseman's Seal (Caster Ring)
- Wicked Witch's Band (Healer Ring)
- The Horseman's Horrific Helm (Plate Helm)
- The Horseman's Baleful Blade (Main Hand Sword)
- Magic Broom (Temporary Mount - 60% Mount Speed)
- Swift Magic Broom (Temporary Mount - 100% Mount Speed)
- Sinister Squashling (Companion Pet)
- Hallowed Helm (Cosmetic Helmet)
- Weighted Jacko'-Lantern (Limited Toy)
- The Horseman's Reins (Permanent Mount - Ground and Flying Mount)
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