What is AcceleRATE in FIFA 23?

FIFA 23 will bring us plenty of new features and innovations, such as the new AcceleRATE system.

Find out all you need to know about the AcceleRATE system in FIFA 23 below.

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AcceleRATE is a new feature coming to FIFA 23 for next-gen only.

It is designed to distinguish between different running styles for players, splitting them into three categories depending on how fast they can get off the mark, and how long they can maintain a high speed.

These archetypes are:

  • Controlled - most players in FIFA 23 will fall into the Controlled type as they accelerate uniformly in a controlled manner.
  • Explosive - these are shorter and more agile players who are able to quickly cover short distances and get ahead of their opponents, even if that means slowing down after the initial burst of acceleration.
    • These players are quicker to start but their acceleration rate slows down.
  • Lengthy - taller and stronger, these players need a bit more time to get going, but are able to catch up to anyone and even surpass them, provided they have enough distance.
    • These players start slower but will thrive over longer distances.

Not only will this provide more realistic gameplay, it should also highlight player personalities on the pitch and create more diverse player types.

Take a deep-dive into the AcceleRATE feature right here.

Check out the Gameplay Reveal Trailer to see it in action:

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