PS5 & Xbox Series X|S: BBC iPlayer app arriving "As soon as possible"

The PS5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles are now both available in the UK, but gamers quickly noticed that a favourite streaming app was missing.

The BBC iPlayer, a staple of UK streaming, is currently unavailable on the next-gen consoles.

This comes as something of a shock considering that both the PS4 and Xbox One had an app for iPlayer and provided easy access to the world-leading streaming service.

BBC comments on missing iPlayer app

In an exclusive comment to Stealth Optional, the BBC answered questions about where the app is, and when it could come out.

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A BBC spokesperson said, "Both Microsoft and Sony have confirmed that some apps, including BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds, aren’t available yet on the newly released PlayStation and Xbox consoles."

It's clear that the BBC is aware of the situation here, which is good! They are also hard at work getting an app onto the next-gen consoles.

BBC iPlayer on next-gen

The Beeb went on to say, "We are keen to bring them to the new consoles and are continuing to work with both Sony and Microsoft to add it as soon as possible."

While no exact date was given, their desire to get gamers back on their platform is clear.

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With millions using the next-gen consoles as their primary streaming device, companies like Netflix, Spotify, and Disney have made sure to have next-gen apps ready to go.

It was disappointing to see the BBC missing from the list of launch day apps, but they are on the case now.

We don't know the exact date on which a working BBC iPlayer app will arrive on PS5 or Xbox Series X|S, but we'll be sure to let you know if/when an announcement along those lines appears.