Microsoft Flight Simulator: 12 March Update - Updates resume after Coronavirus delay scare

Instead of the usual weekly update that we receive from the Microsoft Flight Simulator team, last week's update issued a statement, which explained that the update schedule will be phased out in the coming weeks.

Part of the statement read:

“In light of recent health concerns, we’ve asked the team to focus on their health and well-being. As a result, our normal development updates will be scaled back over the next few weeks as we continue to monitor the situation."

Well, it has now been a week since the statement, and the team is already back to covering various components of the game.

Continue below for all the details we have.

This week's update

After a week of pretty much everything in the world getting cancelled thanks to Coronavirus concerns, it is refreshing to see Microsoft Flight Simulator leading the way.

Alpha Build Update

The team has said that the upcoming Alpha build is currently in release testing, so they are expecting to provide a release date and build notes next week on 19 March.

flight simulator screenshots
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SCENES JEFF: This is our screenshot of the week coming from the Microsoft Flight Simulator gallery

The team plans to provide an update on the invitation timeline on 19 March.

Feedback Snapshot

In the Insider Area, a new Feedback Snapshot was shared.

The last snapshot featured ground effect and friction models, scaling of objects, support for advanced setups, and more.

READ MORE: Will VR become a feature of Microsoft Flight Simulator?

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