The Final Content Update for Football Manager 2022 dropped a few days ago, with the FM22 Mobile now receiving its own major refresh.
From transfer updates to general bug fixes, here's everything you need to know about the final update for FM22 mobile:
FM22 Mobile Final Update
The FM22 Mobile final content update has arrived, with major changes being made across the board.
Here's a list of everything that's been changed in this final update.
Changelist 13.3.0 includes (but not limited to)
- Data Updates including Transfer Windows closing end of February
- Stability and crash fixes
- Fixed issue where user was unable to respond to news item due to club move
- Fixed player removed wrongly from shortlist after bid
- Fixed issue where unlicensed team logos appeared black when viewing back match
- Improved Newgen system to ensure smaller nations not left with too few players
- Multiple gameplay and database changes to reflect the current geopolitical situation as documented in Miles’s blog
Many of the brand new bug fixes will be music to the ears of fans, with the mobile game feeling better than ever this year.
The frustrating bug where players were removed from your transfer shortlist has also been addressed, as FM22 Mobile looks to refine its content for the final time.
Major Changes
As ever, Football Manager has made adjustments to reflect the state of the world, with Russia's invasion of Ukraine having a massive impact on this final update.
The update was delayed a few weeks ago following the initial invasion, with Jacobson taking to Twitter to confirm.
Now, with the arrival of the Final Content Update, we now know the extent to which Russian clubs/national sides will be affected.
Russian clubs will now no longer be eligible to compete in European competitions, nor will the Russian national team be able to compete in international football of any kind, including tournaments such as the World Cup.
Ukrainian players will also be treated as EU nationals for the first three seasons of any new save you being in Football Manager 2022, reflecting the real-life situation of Ukrainian refugees being granted eligibility to work freely in the EU for up to three years without the need of a visa or work permit.
You can read Miles' full blog post here.