Overwatch Halloween Terror 2021: Are we expecting a set of Patch Notes?

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The next Overwatch event is almost out and we can't wait to tackle Dr Junkenstein and his hordes of Zomnics all over again - 2021's Halloween Terror event should offer us some form of Patch Notes too and here's everything you need to know about them.

RELEASE DATE - When should they drop?

Halloween Terror 2021 is due to start in Overwatch on October 12th and we should see a set of Patch Notes drop around the same time as the update on BattleNet.

The Halloween Terror update should be available at the following times - or an hour after:

  • 10:00 PST, or 11:00 PST
  • 13:00 EST, or 14:00 EST
  • 18:00 BST, or 19:00 BST

2021's Summer Games event started at the latter time, despite being expected at the earlier time. So... The jury's out until the event actually begins - we don't think Blizzard will announce a specific time ahead of the update.

WHAT TO EXPECT - Junkenstein is back, for one

At the moment, we're not entirely sure what to expect from the Halloween Terror Patch Notes. We know that Junkenstein's Revenge is going to return - but we're not expecting any major changes to be made to the formula that's worked for the last couple of years.

Similarly, we know about a couple of new skins - however, they wouldn't be detailed in a set of Patch Notes usually.

With this in mind, we might not see a set of Patch Notes as we know them for the Halloween Terror event this year. We should see a few bug fixes implemented, but there's no word on major gameplay changes anytime soon. Balancing is always an issue, though, and this could be addressed slightly with the update. However, Overwatch's official site hasn't even been updated with Halloween Terror 2021's information - so... We're going to be waiting a little while for more information.

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