The Monster Hunter series has been popular since the first game in 2004. Since then there have been numerous new titles, DLCs, and monsters come to cause havoc. The newest DLC is Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.
It is released on June 30 2022. The demo was released two days ago and many fans have enjoyed the difficult battle when fighting Malzeno. Although some have also not enjoyed it so much...
The full pricing of the DLC and base games are out and stick in line with Capcom's usual pricing for the Monster Hunter Rise series.
How much does Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak cost?
The DLC for MHR is not free. Due to the time and work developing 14 new large monsters, tonnes of endemic life and a new map, the DLC has a price.
The DLC and game are available on PC and the Nintendo Switch. The bundle which includes the base game and Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak comes to £59.99 on the Nintendo Switch Store.
The same bundle cannot be purchased on Steam but the DLC alone is £32.99. The base game comes to £25.49 at the moment because it is in the sale but usually would cost £49.99.
There is also the deluxe edition of the DLC which includes new layered armour for hunters and buddies, new gesture sets, new poses, and cosmetic details. Due to the bonus content in the deluxe edition, this costs slightly more at £41.83. But for the bonus content, the pricing is reasonable.
The demo
The pricing for the demo is £0. Gotcha there. The free-to-play demo will give hunters a taste of the hunt and what the new monsters can get up to. Players will be able to explore the newest area of the DLC, the jungle.
Upon exploring in the demo, hunters may bump into some of the new monsters added from the Sunbreak DLC. An extra tough mission is also available to fight Malzeno. Just as in the demo for Monster Hunter Rise with Magnamalo. The increased difficulty of the poster monster fight has stumped even veteran hunters.