All LoL Aurora Abilities Revealed & Explained

LoL Aurora abilities.
Credit: Riot Games

LoL Aurora abilities.
Credit: Riot Games

The newest League of Legends champion, Aurora, is a rabbit-like Vastaya who wields spirit magic and an arsenal of spells that allow her to flit around the battlefield while dealing hefty damage. Though her design and abilities play into her prey-animal theme, she’s not to be taken lightly! Aurora packs a punch and can easily turn the tables on unsuspecting enemies.

For over six years, Aurora's development has been a labor of love at Riot. Initially starting as a champion idea, it splintered into concepts like Sylas, Yone, the Spirit Blossom event, and Fiddlesticks' VGU. Finally, after this long journey, Aurora herself takes center stage, bringing the spirit realm and her unique kit to the Rift.

LoL Aurora Abilities Rundown

Born into the vastayan Bryni tribe in the Freljordian village of Aamu, Aurora has the unique ability to see and traverse beyond the boundary between the spirit and material realms. Struggling to connect with her peers, Aurora found solace in the company of nearby spirits and eventually embarked on a journey across the Freljord to learn more about the spirit realm.

Unconventional and lacking formal training, Aurora spent years reverse-engineering her magic through trial and error, crafting a unique spellbook that utilizes the spirit realm for powerful spell casting.

As a solo laner and skirmisher mage, Aurora can thrive in both mid and top lanes. While she boasts a high-skill ceiling, opening the doors to blood-pumping outplays, she has a low-skill floor. Her simple spellcasting kit is extremely accessible, making her easy to pick up for new players.

Passive - Spirit Abjuration

LoL Aurora Passive icon.
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Credit: Riot Games

If Aurora damages an enemy 3 times with her spells and attacks, she will deal magic damage and exorcise a spirit to her, entering Spirit Mode, gaining movement speed, and empowering her healing for 3 seconds.

For every additional spirit following Aurora, the bonuses from Spirit Mode are increased by 5%

Q - Twofold Hex

LoL Aurora Q icon.
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Credit: Riot Games

Aurora fires a blast of cursed energy in a line, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and marking them with spirit energy.

Recast: End the curse, drawing back the spirit energy to herself, dealing magic damage to enemies passed through.

If enemies are hit by multiple Q missiles on recast, they will take more damage. The goal is to tag opponents with your initial Q and then reposition yourself to maximize the number of enemies hit by the pullback!

W - Across the Veil

LoL Aurora W icon.
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Credit: Riot Games

Offering a powerful escape and outplay tool, Aurora hops in a direction and enters the spirit realm, becoming invisible and entering Spirit Mode for several seconds.

Takedowns on enemy champions reset the cooldown of this ability

E - The Weirding

LoL Aurora E icon.
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Credit: Riot Games

This is a straightforward line-nuke skill shot where Aurora sends out a blast of spirit magic, dealing magic damage in an area that slows enemies. Aurora will hop backward slightly on cast.

R - Between Worlds

LoL Aurora R icon.
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Credit: Riot Games

Aurora hops forward and sends out a powerful pulse of spirit energy that deals magic damage and slows enemies, creating a transition into the spirit realm that traps enemies. In this circle, Aurora enters an empowered spirit mode that allows her to travel from one end of the area to the other.

Enemies who try to cross the threshold will take magic damage, be slowed, and be pushed back toward the center of the area.

As Riot Games’ first prey animal vastaya, Aurora presented a unique design challenge for the team: capturing the essence of a creature that thrives on agility and outsmarts their predators. “I thought a lot about how a prey animal succeeds against a predator," says game design manager Blake “Squad5” Smith, “they don’t usually overpower them; their success is usually found in trickery and eventual escape."

True to her theme, Aurora’s a highly mobile champion who excels at outmaneuvering opponents using her rabbit-like agility. Her primary tool for outplay is her W “Across the Veil," which makes her invisible and allows for quick, creative positioning in fights to set up her other abilities, like her Q2. Her ultimate leverages this mobility even more, granting her even greater control over "E" placements and "Q2" pullbacks within a zone perfect for outplays.

LoL Aurora spirit designs.
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Credit: Riot Games

Aurora's development team also drew inspiration from real-world experiences. She is coded as autistic, and her gameplay and design reflect the unique strengths of neurodiversity.

Senior narrative writer Elyse “apothecarie” Lemoine explains that people on the spectrum often process information and view the world differently, and the team wanted Aurora to embody that in her kit. In that spirit, Aurora isn't the meek or submissive prey animal one might expect. She's fearless and aggressive and approaches challenges in unexpected ways, defying expectations.

Get ready to hop onto the Rift and channel the untapped power of the spirit realm with Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds, arriving on PBE on 25 June, 2024, alongside Patch 14.13!

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