The Best Gaming Deals in Amazon Prime Day

Amazon's Prime Day only comes once a year so you have to celebrate it in style, with tonnes of gaming deals.

Best Gaming Deals in Amazon Prime Day

This being said, there is truly so much on offer so it can be easy to miss the best deals there. This is where we come in. Here are some of the best gaming deals available.

We'll be updating this piece with the best Prime Day deals throughout the day, so be sure to keep checking back with us.

Nintendo Switch Console Deals

Nintendo managed to come back with force with the Nintendo Switch console. After the mediocre launch and life of the WiiU, the Switch could have been the last hurrah for their outing into consoles.

Luckily, it was excellent and we have some deals to celebrate. Just in time for some great games just around the corner like a new Metroid and Mario + Rabbids title.

Best Games Deals

It's time to get to the most important part, the games. Here are a few deals you should take advantage of while they're here.

PC Hardware

With computers advancing and hardware only getting more impressive, it's hard to go back to hard drives - this is where the SSD comes in.

Prime Day Accessories Deals

Our last genre is for all those miscellaneous items that won't fit elsewhere. No matter where you play, you should find something worthwhile here.

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