WWE 2K19: 2K Showcase Matches and Unlockables Guide

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2K Showcase has always told the story of a wrestler or rivalry, but after covering stars like Steve Austin and Randy Orton it disappeared for a few years from WWE 2K games. However, with the in-ring return of Daniel Bryan in 2018 it seemed like an easy decision for 2K to bring the game mode back and chronicle the rise, fall, and return of WWE's most popular star.

WWE 2K19 Showcase Matches

In 2013 and 2014 Daniel Bryan exploded to the top of WWE and found mainstream appeal with his "YES!" Movement as the underdog wrestler that fans loved but the corporate machine failed to get behind. 2K Showcase gives you 11 matches and several new interviews with Bryan to go through. Let's take a look match-by-match at this game type.

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Match #1: Bryan Danielson Vs. John Cena - Velocity 2003

Objective 1: Perform a limb target attack from a standing grapple on Cena's arm

Objective 2: Perform a grapple at the head of a grounded Cena in the ring

Objective 3: Damage Cena in the ring

Objective 4: Perform a strong strike at Cena's head while he's face up

Objective 5: Cover Cena for the pin

Objective 6: Whip Cena into corner

This can be tough. The '03 version of Cena is rather good compared to a young Bryan Danielson, and he is very aggressive too. The objectives are all simple enough, but it can be tricky to do damage to Cena as he tries to pummel you into the ground. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about beating Cena, you just have to survive long enough to get the moves done.

Unlockables: Bryan Danielson, John Cena '03, Velocity '03

Match #2: Daniel Bryan w/ The Miz Vs. Chris Jericho - NXT 2010

Objective 1: Perform a standing strong strike in front of Chris Jericho in the ring

Objective 2: Perform a running strike in front of a standing Chris Jericho in the ring

Objective 3: Perform a running strike in the corner on a front-facing Chris Jericho

Objective 4: Damage Chris Jericho in the ring

Objective 5: Perform a running strike in front of a standing Chris Jericho in the ring

Objective 6: Cover Chris Jericho for the pin

Objective 7: Perform a standing strong strike in front of Chris Jericho in the ring

Objective 8: Perform a springboard attack from the apron to the ring on Chris Jericho

This is much easier than the first match thanks to Daniel Bryan's own personal improvement. You can hold your own with Jericho in the ring and hit reversals comfortably to stay on top of the match and keep in the flow of the objectives. Speaking of which, there are a lot more than the first match but they are all accurate to history and provide a good example of Bryan's in-ring ability. Heel Michael Cole is back on commentary though, which will be a frustration to anyone with ears.

Unlockables: Daniel Bryan ’10, Chris Jericho ’10, NXT ’10

Match #3: Daniel Bryan Vs. The Miz - United States Championship - Night Of Champions 2010

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Objective 1: Damage The Miz in the ring

Objective 2: Perform a running strike in front of a standing Miz in the ring

Objective 3: Damage The Miz in the ring

Objective 4: Perform a diving attack to Miz  from the top rope while he stands in the ring

Objective 5: Cover Miz for the pin

Objective 6: Damage The Miz in the ring

Objective 7: Perform a running strike in the corner to a front-facing Miz

Objective 8: Perform a grapple in the corner to a front-facing Miz

Objective 9: Lock in the Yes Lock and tap out The Miz

The Miz is a tough opponent who is slick with reversals and hyper-aggressive. He will really test your ability to position yourself and manage your reversals. You should also keep an eye on your stamina so you can hit your running corner dropkick signature move. Make sure you work on Miz's head and neck since that is what the Yes Lock damages, it will increase your chances of getting the submission on your first attempt.

Unlockables: Night Of Champions 2010 Attire, The Miz ’10, Night Of Champions ’10

Match #4: Team Hell No! Vs Kofi Kingston & R-Truth - Tag Team Championship - Night Of Champions 2012

Objective 1: As Kane, damage Kofi Kingston in the ring

Objective 2: As Kane, perform a strong standing strike in front of R-Truth in the ring

Objective 3: As Daniel Bryan, damage R-Truth in the ring

Objective 4: As Kane, perform a running strike on a standing R-Truth in the ring

Objective 5: As Kane, damage R-Truth in the ring

Objective 6: Perform a double team grapple in the corner to a front-facing R-Truth

Objective 7: As Daniel Bryan, cover R-Truth for the pin

Objective 8: As Kane, perform an upper submission to R-Truth

Objective 9: As Kane, tag in Daniel Bryan

Objective 10: As Daniel Bryan, whip Kofi Kingston into the corner

The tricky part of this match is making sure the right person is in the ring. Kane is such a powerhouse that you can dominate your opponents and deal serious damage when you need to, but it has to be to the right guy. If you have the wrong opponent in the ring, then just whip him into his teams corner and leave him there. Eventually his partner will tag in and you can go to work.

Thanks to the odd finish of this match you don't need to gain the pinfall or submission yourself, just perform a few tag team moves and generally work over Kofi and R-Truth.

Unlockables: Daniel Bryan ’12, Kane ’12, Kofi Kingston ’12, R-Truth ’12, Night Of Champions ’12

Match #5: Daniel Bryan Vs. Randy Orton - Street Fight - Raw 2013

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Objective 1: Strike Randy Orton in the corner 3 times while he is stunned

Objective 2: Damage Randy Orton outside the ring

Objective 3: Irish whip Randy Orton into the barricade

Objective 4: Damage Randy Orton in the ring

Objective 5: Put Randy Orton through the table at ringside

Objective 6: Hit Randy Orton with a kendo stick 10 times in the ring

Objective 7: Damage Randy Orton in the ring

Objective 8: Perform the Yes Lock on Randy Orton in the ring

Objective 9: Perform the OMG Yes Lock on Randy Orton in the ring and make him tap out

This is a tough one. Not only is Randy Orton a very strong opponent but the objectives are rather difficult. Taking Orton to the outside to deal damage is risky, and trying to put anyone through a table in WWE games is not easy, especially when you are the smaller of the two wrestlers. Orton also has that deadly RKO so if he gets a finisher on you it can be next to impossible to kick out. Expect to redo this a handful of times.

Unlockables: Daniel Bryan ’13, Randy Orton ’13, Raw ’13

Match #6: Daniel Bryan Vs. John Cena - WWE Championship - SummerSlam 2013

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Objective 1: Win a chain wrestling sequence against John Cena

Objective 2: Perform a limb target attack from a standing grapple to John Cena's legs

Objective 3: While outside the ring, Irish whip Cena into the ringside stairs

Objective 4: Damage Cena in the ring

Objective 5: Perform a running strike in front of a standing Cena in the ring

Objective 6: Perform a diving attack from the top rope on Cena while he stands in the ring

Objective 7: Cover Cena for the pin

Objective 8: Perform a taunt in the ring while your opponent is grounded

Objective 9: Perform Kneeling Yes Kicks on Cena in the ring

Objective 10: Perform a STF on Cena in the ring

Objective 11: Perform a Guillotine Choke on Cena in the ring

Objective 12: Perform Flying Goat on a grounded Cena in the ring

Objective 13: Perform a Yes Lock on Cena in the ring

Objective 14: Perform a diving attack from the top rope on a grounded Cena in the ring

This match is a real war. John Cena is, obviously, incredibly difficult to beat. He has devastating attacks and is very good at reversals. One Attitude Adjustment can put you away and with the incredible number of objectives you have to do, including performing three signature moves, it is really hard to get through everything without Cena having at least one crack at his finisher. Save as much stamina as you can because all those diving attacks will be very hard to hit if you don't have the energy to get up to the top turnbuckle in good time.

Unlockables: SummerSlam ’13 Attire, John Cena ’13, SummerSlam ’13

Match #7: Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt Vs. The Usos - Steel Cage Match - Raw 2014

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Objective 1: Damage Jey Uso in the cage

Objective 2: Perform a standing strong strike while facing Jey Uso

Objective 3: Damage Jimmy Uso in the cage

Objective 4: Perform a running strike on Jimmy Uso while in the Tree of Woe

Objective 5: Climb the cage

Objective 6: Damage Bray Wyatt in the cage

Objective 7: Front grapple Bray Wyatt in the cage

This match celebrates one of the biggest reactions in Raw history as Daniel Bryan turns his back on the Wyatt family during a cage match against the Usos. After the disappointment of losing his title to Randy Orton and being told he was just a B+ player, Bryan had unraveled, but the YES! Movement was stronger than ever and bought him back from the dark side. This match is a far easier proposition than the singles matches against Orton and Cena, and provides some nice commentary from Bryan on a tricky time for him in the ring.

Unlockables: Daniel Bryan ’14, Bray Wyatt ’14, Luke Harper ’14, Erick Rowan ’14, Jey Uso ’14, Jimmy Uso ’14

Match #8: Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H - WrestleMania XXX

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Objective 1: Perform a standing strong strike on Triple H

Objective 2: Damage Triple H in the ring

Objective 3: Perform a running front grapple on a standing Triple H

Objective 4: Perform an apron attack on Triple H from ringside

Objective 5: Perform a diving attack from the top rope on a standing Triple H at ringside

Objective 6: Damage Triple H in the ring

Objective 7: Perform a german suplex on Triple H in the ring

Objective 8: Perform the Yes Lock on Triple H in the ring

Objective 9: Damage Triple H in the ring

Objective 10: Perform an OMg suicide dive on Triple H

Objective 11: Damage Triple H in the ring

Objective 12: Perform a diving attack on a standing Triple H in the ring

Objective 13: Perform a corner finisher on Triple H in the ring

Another lengthy war for Daniel Bryan, this match is arguably his best in WWE. He and Triple H did battle in the opening match of WrestleMania XXX with the winner getting a place in the main event title match. Bryan starts this match with a heavily bandaged left shoulder and yellow arm health which you will be battling all match. You need to keep a lot of stamina in reserve for several diving attacks.

The end of this match is an interactive cut scene so don't put your controller down. Be ready to hit the button prompts as they come up so you can kick out of a pedigree, frustrate Triple H and then hit your finisher for the win.

Unlockables: WrestleMania XXX Attire, Triple H ’14, Stephanie McMahon ’14, WrestleMania XXX

Match #9: Daniel Bryan Vs. Randy Orton Vs. Batista - WWE World Heavyweight Championship - WrestleMania XXX

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Objective 1: Damage Randy Orton in the ring

Objective 2: Damage Batista at ringside

Objective 3: Perform a top rope corner grapple to front facing Randy Orton

Objective 4: Perform Flying Goat to Randy Orton in the ring

Objective 5: Perform Yes Lock to Randy Orton in the ring

Objective 6: Cover Batista for the pin

Objective 7: Perform Yes Lock on Batista in the ring and make him tap out

You start this match with red arm health and yellow head health. You have two fresh and monstrous opponents in Randy Orton and Batista, but you must overcome it all and win the gold. Isolating your opponents so you can perform the necessary moves is tough, but it can be done. There are a lot of cut scenes in this match, limiting the objectives, but it can take a while to get each one done so don't be too disheartened if you find yourself constantly throwing one guy out so you can work on the other.

Unlockables: Randy Orton ’14, Batista, Triple H (Manager)

Match #10: Daniel Bryan Vs. Kane - Extreme Rules Match - Extreme Rules 2014

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Objective 1: Damage Kane outside of the ring

Objective 2: Perform a top rope corner grapple to a front facing Kane

Objective 3: Attack Kane with a kendo stick 3 times

Objective 4: Irish whip Kane into a chair in the ring

Objective 5: Perform an OMG suicide dive onto Kane

Objective 6: Pull apart the announcers table

Objective 7: Irish whip Kane into the announcers table

Objective 8: Attack Kane halfway up the entrance ramp with a kendo stick

Objective 9: Damage Kane backstage

Objective 10: Perform a running strike on Kane backstage in the parking lot

Objective 11: Perform OMG Yes Lock on Kane

Objective 12: Perform a corner finisher on Kane and pin him

Former teammates turned bitter enemies, it's time to take on the Demon Kane! This was Daniel Bryan's final title defense before he had to take a lengthy leave of absence for injury. Kane's role as The Authority's puppet sparked the feud, and this match was worthy of the title. Kane is still a monster, so it's tough to deal the damage you need to and get him into the correct positions. Bringing Kane all the way through the backstage area to the parking lot can be frustrating, but you'll get him there eventually. You can't be pinned backstage, so it isn't too bad if he gets some offense on you and hits a finisher.

Unlockables: Extreme Rules ’14 Attire (Daniel Bryan), Extreme Rules ’14 Attire (Kane), Extreme Rules ’14

Match #11: Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon Vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn - WrestleMania 34

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Objective 1: Strike Sami Zayn while he is on the apron

Objective 2: Damage Kevin Owens in the ring, Damage Sami Zayn in the ring

Objective 3: Perform Shane McMahon Combo signature move to Sami Zayn

Objective 4: Perform Coast to Coast OMG to Sami Zayn and cover him for the pin

Objective 5: As Shane McMahon, standing strike a legal Sami Zayn in the ring

Objective 6: As Daniel Bryan, perform a diving attack from the top rope to a standing Sami Zayn in the ring

Objective 7: As Daniel Bryan, perform the Single Leg Knee Strike 3 (Knee +) to Sami Zayn

Objective 8: As Daniel Bryan, perform the Yes Lock to Sami Zayn and make him tap out

You start this match as Shane McMahon, after Daniel Bryan was viciously attacked outside the ring by Owens and Zayn before the match began. After two lengthy periods away from wrestling and an emotional retirement speech in his home state, Daniel Bryan makes his return to the ring to save McMahon and reignite his fans in the same building he lifted the WWE World Heavyweight Championship four years before.

Unlockables: Kevin Owens '18

WWE 2K19 Showcase Surprise Match

Once you complete the final match you get a WWE 2K19 showcase secret match between the 2003 Bryan Danielson and 2018 Daniel Bryan. You can pick which one you control and have no objectives to fulfill. It's just a fun "dream match" in the WrestleMania 34 arena. The veteran Bryan is more complete and stronger, making it an easy win if you control him. It's a much tougher match with the young Indie star Bryan Danielson, even if the commentary is against him once again. You won't receive any unlockables for winning this match, but you'll have a lot of fun completing it.

Finishing the 2K Showcase not only unlocks a lot of bonus characters, attires, and arenas, but it also gets you a 30G achievement/Gold trophy as well as 3,500 VC. This game type can take some time to run through, but it's a really fun way of understanding Bryan's journey through WWE to stardom and a great way to enjoy WWE 2K19's game play.

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