Both Sepulcher of the First Ones last three bosses in Normal and Heroic and the raid's Mythic version are live, which means that guilds will finally be starting the Race to World First in World of Warcraft Shadowlands.
Normally a two-headed race between Europe's Echo and Liquid's North America dating back to Battle for Azeroth's release might now see some fringe familiar faces such as BDGG and SK Pieces make even stronger waves this time around.
But so far, no guild has downed a Mythic boss yet. Here's why.
Why has no Mythic boss been defeated yet?
In the past to start the week North American guilds such as Liquid, BDGG, and others like Soniqs Imperative normally take down a handful of bosses. This is later followed by European guilds such as Echo, SK Pieces, and others like FatSharkYes catching up. However, for Sepulcher of the First Ones, this has changed.
For 9.2, Blizzard took a different approach when it came to releasing the new raid. Normally, new raids release on the patch's second week with both Normal and Heroic versions. This leaves the third week as the official release period for Mythic.

However, this time around, instead of Normal and Heroic releasing with all of its bosses, Sepulcher of the First Ones released with the first eight, leaving the final three to release alongside Mythic. Additionally, those last three bosses were not testable in the Public Test Realms (PTR), meaning that all of the top guilds have gone into them completely blind.
In the past, guilds would do numerous runs of both Normal and Heroic to gear up their characters in preparation for Mythic. Once Mythic was released they'd step in and take down as many bosses as they could before going back to Normal and Heroic to get more gear, later finishing off any other possible Mythic bosses prior to reset. Now, not only are they still partaking in their Normal and Heroic runs, but they're also having to finish off the rest of the raid for the first time as opposed to having already had killed it at least once in the past.

To add to this, 9.2 also brought back tier sets. This meant that not only are these guilds looking for overall ilvl and other important upgrades but they're also looking for tier bonuses that help tremendously in any encounter. Making it so what would normally have been a handful of runs now turns into a monstrous amount of extra work.
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In short, the reason why guilds have yet to kill a Mythic boss is that they view it as more efficient to spam the likes of Normal and Heroic to get the most gear possible prior to jumping into the hardest difficulty.