Valorant Weapon Tier List (April 2023) - All Weapons Ranked From Best To Worst

Valorant Weapon Tier List

Valorant Weapon Tier List

Knowing which weapons to choose is a skill every player needs to master in Valorant. Picking the right weapon can be the difference between winning or losing the round. Some weapons make the game easier for you, while others can make it substantially harder.

It's also vital to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon. This way, you will be able to use them in the most effective way possible. This tier list will show you which guns are strong as of Episode 7 Act 1. But don't worry, the article will be constantly updated.

So, without further ado, let's find out the best Valorant weapons.

Tier List Explained

We sorted the guns in terms of their price, damage output, and their functions. This way, it's easier to rank them. You will also get a better idea of why one weapon is better than another.

First, we have the S-tier. This tier is composed of the cream of the crop. They are picked by every player, independently of their rank. These weapons are used as much by professional players, as they are by low elo players or even new users.

Then, we have the A-tier. These weapons are also good, and pretty popular among the playerbase. However, these weapons don't have as much firepower as S-tier weapons. They are also more situational.

Valorant Weapons
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There are plenty of weapons you can choose from in Valorant.

In the B-tier, we have situational weapons. They are only used in certain maps, in determined positions, and lack in firepower. Some of them are also quite expensive for how useful they are.

Last, we have the C-tier. These are weapons that are very rarely picked up and for a good reason. They lack firepower, are expensive, and in short, they are just bad. Avoid choosing these weapons unless strictly necessary, or if you have a good plan to put them to use.

The Valorant weapon tier list

S tier
A tier
B tier
C tier

S tier Valorant weapons

These four weapons are the best Valorant has to offer. The Phantom, Vandal, Operator, and Sheriff, have a lot of firepower and can be used in any situation. The Operator is quite expensive, but her one-shot potential makes it worth buying.

The Vandal will also instantly kill your enemy if you hit a clean headshot, no matter the distance. When it comes to the Phantom, you need two headshots or to be at a closer distance to instantly kill your opponent. However, the Phantom's faster fire rate makes up for it.

Valorant Prime Vandal
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As for the Sheriff, it's the strongest pistol in the game, and a clean headshot will result in an instant kill. It's great for rounds where you don't have the money to buy a Vandal, Phantom, or Operator. The Sherrif shines in eco rounds or semi-buys, and mastering this weapon is very important

A tier weapons

In A tier, we have the Bulldog, Spectre, Marshall, Odin, Guardian, and Shorty. These weapons have different strengths, prices, and firepower. However, they are all quite versatile.

The Bulldog is the best weapon to use in a bonus round. It allows you to conserve your economy and gives you a good chance to win a duel versus a rifle.

Spectre and Marshal are great for eco rounds, and useful for bonus rounds as well. However, while the Spectre thrives in close ranges, the Marshal shines in long range.

Valorant Prime Spectre
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The Odin is quite expensive but it provides plenty of firepower. It can also penetrate most of the objects in the game, making it the best weapon for wall bangs.

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Shorty is an extremely strong weapon in close-range fights. This gun shines has a secondary weapon, and has taken over both pro play and ranked.

As for the Guardian, it kills with a single headshot, which makes it very useful. But it's quite expensive, and for just a few hundred credits more you can afford the Vandal or Phantom.

B tier Valorant weapons

We have five weapons in this tier. The Classic is arguably the most useful of all of them since it's free and has okay firepower. It's great in short and medium distances but struggles in long range.

The Ghost and the Frenzy also don't have that much firepower. The Frenzy is only good at close distances and has very few bullets. While the Ghost, despite killing with two headshots, costs only 300 hundred credits less than the Sheriff, which is a much more complete weapon.

Valorant Prime Classic
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We also have the Judge, which is the best shotgun in the game. It has great firepower, but it's a very situational weapon. The Judge works best in close corners and on defence. Because it only thrives in very specific conditions, we have it in the B-tier.

The Ares is similar to the Odin, but it has less firepower and reduced magazine storage. It's also not the most useful weapon to use in defence.

C tier weapons

The Stinger, Bucky, and Knife, are the worst weapons in Valorant. The Stinger has a low damage output, and an extremely high fire rate, which makes it hard to control. It lacks damage and accuracy, so only use it in emergency cases.

Valorant Prime Bucky
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The Bucky has one huge problem. It's a shotgun that is only useful in close spaces. To make things worse, it has very low firepower, especially when compared to the Judge. The Bucky also has a long reload time.

When it comes to the Knife, it's self-explanatory. So, don't bring a knife to a gunfight.

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