Rainbow Six Siege DOWN December 30th: Players Unable To Log In, Matchmaking Issues

Players have reported server issues with Rainbow Six Siege, with many unable to log in and get into matches.

Is Rainbow Six Down?

Since around 6:40pm GMT players have began reporting issues with Rainbow Six Siege.

The issue mainly seems centred around logging into the game, but players are also reporting matchmaking issues.

Rainbow Six Siege Outage Map December 30
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DOWN: Rainbow Six Siege Servers Are Having Issues, primarily in EU.

Looking at the outage map, it appears most of the issues are being reported in Europe.

There are also reports in parts of the US and Mexico, as well as a few other countries.

But it appears to be mainly a Europe issue right now.

Things To Do While Rainbow Six Siege Is Down

While you wait to be able to get back into games again, there are things you can do to occupy yourself while Ubisoft fixes the servers.

You could watch your favourite streaming service, such as Netflix or Hulu.

The Mandalorian is pretty awesome over on Disney+

Or check out your favourite streamer on Twitch, Nick Mercs is currently streaming Warzone to over 50,000 viewers.

You could also check out our website and read some of our latest articles.

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