Madden 22 could add an Online Career Mode this year

Madden 22 is building excitement as fans look forward to any major reveals about the title set for a release date later this year.

Thanks to some FIFA 22 news, we now know that EA Sports could be looking at adding an Online Career Mode to Madden 22.

FIFA 22 planning Online Career Mode

Speculation is in overdrive after a job description on EA's own website mentioned an 'online Career Mode' for FIFA 22.

Madden 22 Online Career Mode FIFA 22 NBA 2K22 The City
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HAND OFF: Could Madden take the ball from FIFA and make this their own?

While still unconfirmed, the addition would be a major step forward for the FIFA franchise and EA Sports in general.

We've got more details about that FIFA 22 news here, but what could that mean for Madden 22?

Madden 22 could follow suit with their own

If EA Sports is indeed planning an Online Career Mode for FIFA 22, it wouldn't be shocking to see them carry that innovation into other titles.

Madden 22 seems most primed for an upgrade, whether that means a revamped version of Face of the Franchise or an altogether new Career Mode.

Face of the Franchise has received mixed reviews and opinions since becoming the core Career Mode in Madden 20, so they could be looking at a complete rework.

What would Online Career Mode look like in Madden?

It's not entirely clear what changes would be made to take Career Mode into the online sphere, but the best example of doing it right would be NBA 2K21.

Madden 22 Online Career Mode FIFA NBA 2K22 The City
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THE CITY: NBA 2K21 took the jump to Next Gen seriously

When NBA 2K21 went Next Gen, they introduced The City, and that online RPG-styled Career Mode has been an absolute hit since the title's release.

The City is likely to return in NBA 2K22 as well, and things could look very special if EA Sports takes a similar approach with Madden 22.

Basketball lends itself more to pickup games between players online, but even mini-game styled drills or smaller squad games and flag football could bring something unique to an Online Career Mode in Madden 22.