Madden 21 has released a new Title Update today, and Version 1.28 takes particular aim at Ultimate Team and fixing one core issue.
Even for routine updates, this one is particularly small and niche, but EA clearly saw the issue in Ultimate Team as needing to be immediately addressed in Madden 21.
Here's all the details on the Madden 21 Title Update Version 1.28!
Madden 21 Title Update Version 1.28 Patch Notes
When it comes to patch notes for a Madden 21 Title Update, they don't get much more succinct than this.
Here's all the notes provided by EA for Version 1.28:
Today's Madden NFL 21 Title Update addressed an issue with end conditions in Madden Ultimate Team Ultimate Challenges.
The Title Update is now available on all platforms (i.e. PC, Stadia, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, and PS5)
- The Madden Team
EA just needed a single fix, and that's what Version 1.28 is doing as a Title Update.
However, the issue could've been a major problem to some players, especially as MUT Series 6 is now in full swing.
Version 1.28 Download Size
If you're worried about having enough space or freeing up room to download the latest Madden 21 Title Update, it shouldn't be an issue.

Version 1.28 on PS4 has a download size of just 365 MB, and is likely to have a similarly minuscule size on other platforms.
The download shouldn't take long to complete, at which point players can turn their focus to Ultimate Team once again, and try to earn all the new Team Builders released with MUT Series 6.