There are already a lot of great cards in Madden Ultimate Team, and there are some pretty bad ones too. The issue in identifying them is a player’s name and overall rating can often unfairly affect their price in the auction house.
Having looked at some low OVR players that will outperform their status, and looked at auction house bargains, it’s time to look at players who are currently way overrated in the auction house – starting on the offensive side of the ball.
Wilson, QB, Seattle Seahawks – 91 OVR Signature Series
stats: 83 speed (SPD), 86 throw power (THP), 87 short accuracy (SAC), 84 MAC,
88 DAC, 93 throw on the run (TOR), 91 play action (PAC), 82 throw under
pressure (TUP), 90 break sack (BSK)
Admittedly, part of the reason this Wilson
card costs upwards of 1.5 million coins is that he can be quick sold for 250k coins. But, the gap, or lack off,
between this card and other similar ones does not nearly justify the price tag.
He is being way overrated exclusively because of his mobility.
For example, you can get a 90 OVR Steve
Young for around 220k coins and have
a very similarly mobile QB who is actually a better thrower (88 THP, 89 SAC, 89
MAC, 86 DAC). He isn’t quite as good on the run, but 88 TOR is not exactly
poor. The fact he is left handed also shouldn’t deter you.
1.5m coins for any player, let alone a 91 OVR card who’ll be outdated in a matter of weeks, is way overrated.
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Jackson, RB, Oakland Raiders – 91 OVR Madden Ultimate Team 10
stats: 90 SPD, 91 trucking (TRK), 87 elusiveness (ELU), 88 ball carrier vision
(BCV), 84 stiff arm (SFA), 85 spin move (SPM), 87 juke move (JKM), 89 carrying
(CAR), 89 break tackle (BTK)
Again, I think the player's name has significantly elevated this cards value. Too much. He costs upwards of 750k coins.
This card is great, undoubtedly. It is
great for any offensive scheme or play style. Jackson is fast and strong and
will be an absolute stud for your team. But, he is way too expensive compared
to other running backs who can be very similar.
TOTW Mark Ingram, still expensive at around 480k coins, lacks only the speed and
elusiveness, but is still able to make people miss or run right over them.
Also, his 86 SPD, at this point in the game, is not too different from
Jackson’s 90 – he is still faster than a lot of defensive players.
You could also target MUT Heroes David
Johnson at 90 OVR and just 160k coins. He is even closer to Jackson’s stats across the board, but adds a lot
more as a receiver.
Compared to those two guys, Jackson does not justify his price.
READ MORE: MUT auction house bargains
Hill, WR, Kansas City Chiefs – 85 OVR Core Elite
stats: 89 SPD, 78 catching (CTH), 78 catch in traffic (CIT), 76 spectacular
catch (SPC), 78 short route running (SRR), 76 MRR, 83 DRR, 79 release (RLS)
The draw to Hill, and the reason he costs
between 20k and 10k more coins than similarly rated players, is his speed. At
89 SPD he is already one of the fastest players in the game. However, the rest
of his stats make his 54k coins cost
far too high.
78 CTH, 78 SRR and 76 MRR just won’t cut it
for that price. Sure, most players just want to run go routes with him or
screens – just get the ball in his hands and use his speed – but his catching
and route running is poor for the price.
Consider this: For 45k on Xbox or 36k on
PS4, you can get 85 OVR Football Outsiders Terry McLaurin who has 91 SPD, 84
CTH, 82 CIT, 84 SPC, 80 SRR, 80 MRR, 76 DRR and 78 RLS. He may not be as
elusive after the catch, but McLaurin is cheaper and a better receiver than
Hill’s Core card.
Hill’s core card is not worth the coins.
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Travis Kelce, TE, Kansas City Chiefs – 90 OVR Signature Series
Notable stats: 81 SPD, 88 CTH, 84 SRR, 82 MRR, 75 DRR, 88 CIT, 88 SPC, 81 RLS, 67 run block (RBK), 66 pass block (PBK), 60 lead block (LBK), 75 impact block (IBL)
Another signature series card, meaning you
can quick sell it for 250k coins, which obviously pushes the auction house
price up. Nevertheless, Kelce is absolutely not worth 745k coins on Xbox and 1m coins on PS4, especially considering you can get better rated players for way
91 OVR MUT Heroes Greg Olsen is a third of
the price on Xbox and a fifth of the price on PS4. But, he is faster (82 SPD),
catches the ball better (93 CTH, 93 CIT, 92 SPC) and runs better routes at every
91 OVR MUT Heroes Delanie Walker is very
similarly priced to Olsen, is just as fast (82 SPD), offers very similar but
slightly lower catching and route running, but is significantly better as a
blocker, therefore bringing way more versatility.
Finally, 91 OVR Legends Shannon Sharpe is
the pick of the bunch. He is around 230k coins but offers 84 SPD, 87 CTH, 90 CIT, 84 SPC, 85 SRR, 85 MRR, 76 DRR, 84
RLS, 72 RBK, 70 PBK, 65 LBK, 71 IBL. He is cheaper, better and more versatile.
Do not spend your coins on Kelce when you have these other options.
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Bakhtiari, LT, Green Bay Packers – 91 OVR MUT Heroes
stats: 87 STR, 90 awareness (AWA), 77 RBK, 74 run block power (RBP), 79 run
block footwork (RBF), 89 PBK, 88 PBP, 91 PBF, 83 LBK, 83 IBL
Imagine paying upwards of 210k coins for a tackle with 77 RBK.
That couldn’t be me.
His pass blocking is very good, and if you’re going to be passing on virtually every down then he might not be too overrated. However, if you want to run the ball you have to look elsewhere. With his run blocking stats he could struggle against gold and low level elite cards – that shouldn’t happen when you cost that much and are 91 OVR.
If you’ve got over 200k to spend on a tackle, fork out 30k more and get 90 OVR Legends Anthony Munoz. He has 87 STR, 88 RBK and 90 PBK. He is better than Bakhtiari and is worth the extra coins.
If 200k+ is too much, for 187k you could get 89 OVR Theme Diamonds Jordan Gross who has 87 STR, 85 RBK and 89 PBK, or for 90k you could get 88 OVR Football Outsiders Ronnie Stanley who has 83 STR, 85 RBK and 85 PBK. You could even have similar production from Trent Williams’ Core Elite card at 50k.
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Though all of the above cards are very good, and will make your team better, they are vastly overrated in the auction house. They do not deserve the cost they currently require. If you pack them? Sell them. They will do your team more good that way.