Relocation is all the rage in the NFL. The Rams got the ball rolling when they traded St. Louis for Los Angeles, and a year later the Chargers decided to join them. Then the Raiders, who had been eyeing up LA too, decided to find a new home in the desert and announced a move to Las Vegas.
Thankfully, you can get in on the fun in Madden 20's Franchise Mode. You can move your team to one of 19 locations, including the California state capital, Sacramento.
Here is everything you need to know about moving your team to Sacramento.
READ MORE: Every relocation option in Madden 20
Sacramento stats
Fan interest: 2/6
Market size: Average
Personality: Laid back
With two teams to the south in LA and, for now, two teams north in the Bay Area, the need for an NFL team in Sacramento seems low, and that is reflected by the low levels of fan interest. However, the market size is not too bad, and with the Raiders moving out of town there is a lot of Bay Area natives in need of a new team.
Your three team choices are the Condors, the Miners, and the Redwoods.
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