LoL Hwei Best Ability Combos

LoL: New Champion Hwei

LoL: New Champion Hwei

In the upcoming LoL Patch 13.24, a new champion, Hwei, will be making his debut! He has already been dubbed by the community as one of the most complex in the game. It was revealed that almost everyone at Riot has contributed to his creation. And as a result, they created a Champion with 10 different skills. In other words, players can look forward to experimenting with hundreds of combinations to find the best Hwei ability combos.

Of course, learning Hwei will be a challenge even for high-ranked players. But an arsenal of different types of spells is worth it. Plus, this character design is incredible.

Without further ado, here is a quick rundown of all 10 of Hwei's abilities and some ability combos that you can try out in your games!

Hwei abilities rundown

LoL: Hwei Abilities
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Hwei is a mid-lane mage with the largest arsenal of skills in LoL. It is because he is also an artist with an intense imagination that he can recreate in life with the help of his brush. But before he starts creating art on the field, he must choose one of three subjects:

  • Disaster (Q) - High damage Abilities.
  • Serenity (W) - Support abilities.
  • Torment (E) - Crowd control abilities.

When you choose a subject, you have access to three spells of the same type. In other words, to use the Hwei Champion's abilities in LoL, you need to press two keys. If you want to cancel your selection, then you just need to press R. And here is a list of all Hwei abilities:

  • Signature of the Visionary (Passive) - Hwei marks the enemy champion with his signature finishing touch when dealing damage. If he deals damage again with a different ability, he will explode the marked champion, causing damage to all enemies around.
  • Devastating Fire (QQ) - Hwei draws a fireball that flies in a straight line and explodes with a small AoE.
  • Severing Bolt (QW) - Hwei shoots lightning at a designated location, causing AoE damage. If enemies have low health or are immobilized or isolated, they take increased damage.
  • Molten Fissure (QE) - Hwei creates a line of lava in front of him, causing damage to anyone who steps on it.
  • Fleeting Current (WQ) - Hwei creates a line of water in front of him for a few seconds. In this area, your and your allies' speed increases.
  • Pool of Reflection (WW) - You will create a pool in the selected location. Standing in it, you and your allies will receive a shield.
  • Stirring Lights (WE) - Hwei creates three lights circling around him. Your next three attacks or spells consume these wisps to increase damage. Also, when you are hit by an attack or spell, you will restore some Mana.
  • Grim Visage (EQ) - Hwei will launch a scary face at the enemy that deals damage and makes them run away for several seconds.
  • Gaze of the Abyss (EW) - Hwei creates an abyssal eye at a target location that grants vision and targets the nearest enemy champion. After a short delay, the Eye shoots the Champion rooting him.
  • Crushing Maw (EE) - Hwei summons huge jaws that deal damage and pull enemies to the center.
  • Spiraling Despair (R) - Hwei fires a vision that sticks to the enemy champion and begins to expand. Other enemies touched by this vision will also take damage. In the end, the vision explodes, causing even more damage.

Hwei best ability combos

LoL: Hwei gameplay
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Now that you know how many abilities Hwei has in LoL, you'll probably want to use them in combos. Here are some damage-focused examples:

  • R+EW+QW+WE
  • R+QQ+EE+WE
  • R+WE+QE+QW
  • QQ+R+EQ+QE

Hwei is definitely one of the most packed and complex champions in the game. But thanks to this, he is going to be very versatile and useful in matches.

Interested in learning more about LoL Preseason 2024? We've got you covered. Check out our comprehensive Hwei guide here, which includes his release date, lore, and more! For a more in-depth explanation of Hwei's abilities, be sure to check out our "All LoL Hwei Abilities Revealed and Explained" guide here!

We have also compiled a comprehensive guide on everything Hwei-related, including his release date, lore, and more.

League of Legends Season 14 is right around the corner! To stay on top of leaks and official information, be sure to check out our comprehensive LoL Preseason 2024 guide here, which includes its release date and details on the upcoming sweeping changes! We have also compiled all map changes, jungle camp adjustments, and new items to arrive in Season 14.

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