All LoL Season 14 Jungle Camp Changes

Voidborn Sentinel from League of Legends Season 14.
Credit: Riot Games

Voidborn Sentinel from League of Legends Season 14.
Credit: Riot Games

New jungle paths aren’t the only things to keep an eye out for in Season 14; Riot Games has taken further steps to revitalise the jungle, introducing a whole host of revamped camps for League of Legends Season 14!

From Baron's three new forms and the ability to ride Shelly into battle to the emergence of Voidgrubs and Voidmites, the jungle is teeming with life like never before. The ever-evolving League of Legends has much in store for its fans, and the upcoming season is poised to introduce a wealth of new items, champions, gameplay mechanics, and sweeping map changes.

This preseason marks the most significant jungle revamp to date, and we're here to delve into all the details. Without further ado, let's explore all the changes to jungle camps that you can expect in the upcoming Season 14.

LoL Season 14: All jungle camp changes

Meet the Voidgrubs and Voidmites

The Baron pit has new residents this season: Voidgrubs. These Voidborn creatures will replace the first Rift Herald of each game before despawning at 14 minutes to make room for Rift Herald.

Three Voidgrubs will spawn at 5 minutes, each with its own respawn timer of 4 minutes, and a maximum of six can spawn in a single game.

Voidgrubs and Voidmites from the League of Legends 2024 Gameplay Preview blog.
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Credit: Riot Games
Voidgrubs and Voidmites

When you attack a Voidgrub, it will spawn a swarm of Voidmites to join the fight. If you manage to take down some Voidgrubs, your entire team will earn the permanent buff, Hunger of the Void. This buff grants bonus damage over time to structures.

The power of the Hunger of the Void buff increases with each Voidgrub you slay. When you kill the first three Voidgrubs, three more spawn a few minutes later. If you manage to kill 5 or 6 Voidgrubs, you'll also periodically summon 1 or 2 Voidmites, respectively, to help you destroy turrets.

It's important to note that these grubs are an incremental camp, not an all-or-nothing proposition. Even slaying one gives your team a small advantage and prevents the enemy from collecting all six.

Rift Herald (Shelly) rework

The beloved Shelly is getting a void-themed makeover and a significant gameplay overhaul in Season 14.

A screenshot of Rift Herald (Shelly) from the 2024 Gameplay Preview dev blog post.
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Credit: Riot Games

Upon crushing the Eye of the Herald, Rift Herald will spawn as usual, and any allied champions can right-click the Herald and jump onto it, allowing the rider to steer Shelly (similar to Sion's ultimate). It’s important to note that charging Herald into a turret will result in more damage than if charged uncontrolled.

If you happen to collide with an enemy champion, they will be damaged and knocked airborne. Upon impact with terrain or a turret, the champion riding Shelly will be dismounted and revert to their normal form.

A screenshot of the reworked Rift Herald, shared by @Spideraxe30 on Twitter (X)
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Credit: @Spideraxe30

Baron Nashor rework

Among the exciting new changes coming to League of Legends in Season 14, perhaps the “biggest” change involves the iconic Baron Nashor, Voidborn tyrant of the Rift.

League of Legends Season 14 All-Seeing Baron.
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Credit: Riot Games
All-Seeing Baron

Baron will randomly take one of three forms when he emerges, each form provides the same classic buff, but alters how he fights and determines the shape of his pit:

  • Hunting Baron
    • Attacks: blasts all nearby enemies with lightning from above
    • Baron pit: no changes
  • Territorial Baron
    • Attacks: pulls champions near him with his handy new hands
    • Baron pit: creates a wall in front of the pit
  • All-Seeing Baron
    • Attacks: opens a Void Rift that creates a "damage over time" zone within the new tunnel pit.
    • Baron pit: closes off the front and opens up both sides, creating a tunnel
League of Legends Season 14 Territorial Baron
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Credit: Riot Games
Territorial Baron

Voidborn Sentinel, Voidborn Brambleback, and Voidborn Scuttlecrab

With Baron Nashor's entrance into the Rift at 20 minutes, the Void's influence spreads across the map.

The next time the Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback respawn, they will rise again as Voidborn Sentinel and Voidborn Brambleback, respectively. This transformation also comes with increased durability, making them harder to take down.

However, the extra effort is well worth it! Now, once slain, Blue and Red will grant their buffs to the entire team of the player that takes them down (excluding any allies that were dead).

Voidborn Brambleback from League of Legends 2024 Gameplay Preview blog.
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Credit: Riot Games
Red Brambleback transforms into Voidborn Brambleback when Baron spawns!

On top of that, Rift Scuttler will transform into Voidborn Scuttlecrab, becoming tankier and tougher to kill. On death, she sends out a massive Scryer's Bloom burst, revealing all enemy champions and wards in a large area.

That's everything you need to know about

Interested in learning more about LoL Preseason 2024? We've got you covered. Check out our comprehensive LoL Preseason 2024 guide here, which includes its release date and details on the upcoming sweeping changes! We have also compiled all possible map changes to arrive in Season 14.

The final new champion of 2023 is also on the horizon! Armed with a palette and paintbrush, the tortured painter from Ionia, Hwei, is the first League of Legends character to wield 10 unique spells! For a more in-depth explanation of Hwei's abilities, be sure to check out our "All LoL Hwei Abilities Revealed and Explained" guide here!

We have also compiled a comprehensive guide on everything Hwei-related, including his release date, lore, and more.

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