League of Legends Season 12 has pulled no punches, and that's extending to the upcoming LoL 12.6 update which is stacked with massive changes!
From major balance changes across Champions, Runes, and Items to a plethora of exciting new skins - this update isn't one to miss.
With that, here's everything you need to know about League of Legends patch 12.6.
LATEST - Riot reveal LoL 12.6 preview
Courtesy of Riot Phlox, we now have some information about what's to come in LoL patch 12.6.
The update is set to bring forth Healing changes via nerfs to Items and Runes, a Rengar rework, the regularly scheduled balancing and tuning, and more.
For the full LoL 12.6 preview visit here.
Riot release the year's first minor patch, LoL 12.5b
To hold over LoL patch 12.6, Riot decided to give 12.5 a minor touch-up that gave a massive focus onto ADCs.
The update gave nerfs to Season 12's popular ADC trio of Aphelios, Jinx, and Zeri and buffed some lesser utilized ones such as Ashe, Draven, Lucian, and Varus.
Additionally, it gave even more looks to Master Yi following his nerf and later hotfix and took popular support item, Locket of the Iron Solari down a peg.
For the full LoL 12.5b patch notes visit here.
Riot's one week break may delay LoL 12.6 release date
Riot is pausing normal operations for a week in March which means that the regularly scheduled LoL 12.6 patch may get delayed.
For more information on Riot's break and its possible ramifications on League of Legends visit the original Riot blog post here.
LoL 12.6 Release Date & Time
Adhering to the official League of Legends patch schedule, LoL 12.6 is set to release on Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
As always, players can expect League of Legends servers to go down for maintenance at 6 am EST before going live with the update at 9 am EST on launch day.
LoL 12.6 Patch Notes
Thanks to Surrender@20, League players will now have an idea of what's to come in the LoL 12.6 patch notes.
From what is known so far, the update is set to make massive changes to Runes, add a myriad of new skins, and close it out with the normal bells and whistles of balancing and tuning.
Vampiric Scepter
- Lifesteal: 10% ⇒ 8%
- AD: 55 ⇒ 60
- Life Steal: 20% ⇒ 15%
Blade of the Ruined King
- Life Steal: 10% ⇒ 8%
Immortal Shieldbow
- Life Steal 10% ⇒ 8%
- Mythic Passive health: 50 ⇒ 70
Ravenous Hunter
- Removed
Treasure Hunter
- New
- Gain an additional 0 gold the next time you collect a Bounty Hunter stack. Increase the gold gained by 20 gold for each Bounty Hunter stack. Bounty Hunter stacks are earned the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion.
Fleet Footwork
- Energized Attack damage lowered from [10 - 100 (+0.4 Bonus AD, +0.3 AP)] to [10 - 100 (+0.3 Bonus AD, +0.2 AP)]
Legend: Bloodline
- Changed
- Gain 0.4% Life Steal for every Legend stack (max 15 stacks). At maximum Legend stacks, gain 100 max health. Earn progress toward Legend stacks for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill.
Anima Squad Event
Thanks to a ward named "Anima Squad event ward" on the PBE, we can surmise that a new event is set to hit League of Legends as a part of 12.6.
Normally events carry tons of challenges and missions, tasking players to complete them in order to gain several cosmetic goodies such as skins, icons, and more.
Once more information on the Anima Squad event is available we will update this article accordingly.
LoL 12.6 Skins
With every new patch, new skins get added to League of Legends, giving champions a different flair and this time around not only are Riot releasing seven skins in LoL 12.6 but they're giving Prestige Skins a new look as a part of the Mythic overhaul.
For 12.6, the much-anticipated Anima Squad skin line will finally make its League of Legends debut after it was initially shown during the first developer's update of 2022. Apart from that, Pyke will be receiving his sixth skin as well.
Anima Squad Skins 2022
These new skins show champions rocking a more futuristic theme that doesn't fail to raise eyebrows and perk up eyes.
The new Anima Squad Skins will be spanning across a total of five champions: Vayne, Miss Fortune, Riven, Jinx, and Sylas with Jinx receiving a Prestige Edition. They will all be purchasable at 1350 RP each.
As always, Riot did a terrific job on the Splash Arts for these upcoming skins which you can check out below:
Battle Wolf Sylas and Battle Bat Vayne

Battle Bunny Miss Fortune

Battle Bunny Prime Riven

Battle Cat Jinx

Battle Cat Jinx Prestige Edition

Ashen Knight Pyke
As a standalone skin - one without a line - Ashen Knight Pyke is ready to cut down any opponent in his path and will be purchasable from the store at 1350 RP.

Mythic Overhaul Prestige Skins
As part of the Myhic Overhaul, Riot added new Prestige skins for 12.6. It includes over 16 skins listed below:
- Bewitching Miss Fortune Prestige Edition (2022)
- K/DA Evelynn Prestige Edition (2022)
- Project Irelia Prestige Edition (2022)
- Arcade Caitlyn Prestige Edition (2022)
- Nightbringer Lee Sin Prestige Edition (2022)
- Firecracker Vayne Prestige Edition (2022)
- K/DA Akali Prestige Edition (2022)
- Valiant Sword Riven Prestige Edition (2022)
- Battle Academia Lux Prestige Edition (2022)
- K/DA Ahri Prestige Edition (2022)
- Fuzz Fizz Prestige Edition (2022)
- K/DA Kai'Sa Prestige Edition (2022)
- True Damage Qiyana Prestige Edition (2022)
- Blood Moon Aatrox Prestige Edition (2022)
- Pulsefire Thresh Prestige Edition (2022)
- Star Guardian Neeko Prestige Edition (2022)