The official LoL 12.13 patch notes have been revealed by Riot Games.
It'll be League of Legends' next significant patch for Season 12 as it'll introduce the new melee bot laner, Nilah, implement Sivir's mid-scope update, give Gwen some adjustments as well as have its usual balancing and tuning.
This being said, here are the official LoL 12.13 patch notes!
LoL 12.13 Patch Notes

A total of 15 champions will be buffed, nerfed, or changed in patch 12.13.
Base Stats
- Base HP: 625 ⇒ 650
- Health Growth: 107 ⇒109
- Armor: 27 ⇒ 30
Q - Neurotoxin/Venomous Bite
- Human Base Damage: 40/70/100/130/160 ⇒ 40/75/110/145/180
Passive - Demon Shade
- Self Heal at Low health: 15-75 (based on level) ⇒ 15-150 (based on level)
W - Allure
- Enemy Magic Resistance Reduction: 25/27.5/30/32.5/35% ⇒ 35/37.5/40/42.5/45%
R - Last Caress
- NEW SEEK N' HIDE: Using R now puts Passive - Demon Shade on a 1.25 second cooldown (rather than the usual 4 second cooldown)
Q - Terrify
- Fear Duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 ⇒ 1.25/1.5/1.75/2/2.25
R - Crowstorm
- Total Damage: 625/1125/1625 (+225% AP) ⇒ 750/1250/1750 (+250% AP)
Q - Winds of War
- Tornado Damage per Tick: 2% +(0.66% pro 100 AP) of target's maximum health ⇒ 2.5% +(1% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health
- Tornado Max Damage (over 5 seconds): 8% (+2.64% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health ⇒ 10% (+4% per 100 AP) of target's maximum health
Base Stats
- Armor: 18 ⇒ 21
- Health Growth: 101 ⇒ 110
Q - Bear Trap on a Rope (Mounted)
- Initial Damage: 30/55/80/105 (+6% bonus AD) Bonus AD ⇒ 30/55/80/105/130 (+65% bonus AD)
W - Violent Tendencies
- Cooldown: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 ⇒ 11/9.5/8/6.5/5
Master Yi
Base Stats
- Auto Attack range: 125 ⇒ 175
- [NEW] PICK AND CHOOSE: When Alpha Strike ends, Yi is placed 75 units in front of his primary target ⇒ By default, Master Yi will be placed 75 units in front of his primary target. During Alpha Strike, Master Yi may right click to instead be placed 75 units in the direction clicked
W - Meditate
- Cooldown: 28 seconds ⇒ 9 seconds
- Mana Cost: 50 ⇒ 40 +6% maximum mana per second
- Damage Reduction During Meditate: 60/62.5/65/67.5/70% ⇒ 90% for the first 0.5 seconds, reduced to 60/62.5/65/67.5/70% for the remainder of the channel
- Lingering Damage Reduction: For 0.5 seconds after Meditate ends, but not exceeding a total of 4 seconds ⇒ For 0.5 seconds after Meditate ends
Olaf (Jungle)
Base Stats
- Health Regeneration: 8.5 ⇒ 6.5
- Health Regeneration Growth: 0.9 ⇒ 0.6
- Health Regeneration at 18: 23.8 ⇒ 16.7
Passive - Berserker Rage
- Maximum Bonus Attack Speed: 40-100% (based on level) ⇒ 60-100% (based on level)
Q - Undertow
- Mana Cost: 40/45/50/55/60 ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70
Q - Threaded Volley
- 1-Rock Damage: 40/60/80/100/120 (+50% AP) ⇒ 45/65/85/105/125 (+50% AP)
- 5-Rock Damage: 104/156/208/260/312 (+130% AP) ⇒ 117/169/221/273/325 (130% AP)
- Boulder Damage: 76/114/152/190/228 (+95% AP) ⇒ 85.5/123.5/161.5/199.5/237.5 (+95% AP)
- Mana cost: 60/65/70/75/80 ⇒ 55/60/65/70/75
- Bonus Damage Against Monsters: 30 (+10% AP) ⇒ 25 (+10% AP)
- [NEW] ROCK AND A HARD PLACE: Hitting jungle monsters with Taliyah’s boulder (created when activating Q on Worked Ground) now stuns jungle monsters for 3 seconds
[NEW] Q2 now stuns Monsters
R - Weaver's Wall
- [UPDATE] RIDE ON: R - Weaver’s Wall no longer goes on cooldown when Taliyah damages wards or traps
Q - Mistral Bolt
- Cooldown: 9/8/7/6/5 ⇒ 8/7/6/5/4 seconds
- Magic Damage: 60/105/150/195/240 (+60% AP) ⇒ 60/105/150/195/240 (+70% AP)
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E - Gatling Gun
- Damage per Tick :: 7.5/10.63/ 13.75/16.88/20 (+10% bonus AD) ⇒ 7.5/10.63/13.75/16.88/20 (+15% bonus AD)
R - Missile Barrage
Rocket Damage :: 90/125/160 (+15/45/75% AD) (+20% AP) ⇒ 80/115/150 (+15/45/75% AD) (+12% AP)
- Big One Rocket Damage :: 180/250/320 (+30/90/150% AD) (+40% AP) ⇒ 160/230/300 (+30/90/150% AD) (+24% AP)
Q - Thundering Smash
- Bonus Movement Speed: 10/14/18/22/26% ⇒ 8/12/16/20/24%
- Base Damage: 20/40/60/80/100 (+120% bonus AD) ⇒ 10/30/50/70/90 (+120% bonus AD)
W - Frenzied Maul
- Base Damage: 10/35/60/85/110 (+100% AD) (+ 6% bonus health) ⇒ 5/30/55/80/105 (+100% AD) (+5% bonus health)
E - Sky Splitter
- Base Damage: 80/110/140/170/200 (+80% AP) (+11/12/13/14/15% of target's maximum health) ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200 (+80% AP) (+9/10/11/12/13% of target's maximum health)
- Damage cap against Non-Champions: 750 ⇒ 650
NEW Champion, Nilah
Passive - Joy Unending
Nilah amplifies the healing and shielding abilities of nearby allies. Allies that heal or shield Nilah gain a bonus heal or shield for themselves. And when an allied champion heals or shields themselves near Nilah, she gives herself a bonus heal or shield.
If Nilah last hits an enemy minion, she and her nearest allied champion will gain the normal amount of shared experience, plus half of the experience that would have been lost due to sharing.
Q - Formless Blade
Active: Nilah’s Formless Blade strikes in a line, damaging all enemies hit. Hitting an enemy will briefly increase Nilah’s attack range and attack speed and empower her basic attacks, causing them to splash in a cone and deal additional damage.
Passive: Attacks and ability damage against champions ignore some of their armor and heal Nilah for part of the damage dealt. This effect scales with crit chance and converts any excess healing into a shield.
W - Jubilant Veil
Nilah shrouds herself in a Jubilant Veil and briefly gains bonus move speed, takes reduced magic damage, and dodges all incoming basic attacks.
Touching an ally champion hides them in the veil as well, but they’ll be protected for a shorter period.
E - Slipstream
Slipstream lets Nilah dash through a target unit, traveling a fixed distance every time and damaging all enemies she passes through. She can store up to 2 charges at once.
Cast Formless Blade during Slipstream to pull a wave in your path, dealing damage after a quick delay and granting Formless Blade's enhanced basic attack effect.
R - Apotheosis
Nilah unleashes a surge of power, lashes her whip in an area around her and, with a final burst, pulls enemies in toward the center.
Apotheosis heals Nilah for part of the damage dealt, converting any excess healing into a shield. This effect scales with crit chance and is granted to nearby allies.
Base Stats
- Health Regen Growth: 0.55 ⇒ 0.9 per 5 seconds
Q - Snip Snip!
- Damage per Snip: 9/12/15/16/21 (+5% AP) ⇒ 10/14/18/22/26 (+5% AP)
- Final Snip Damage: 45/60/75/90/105 (+25% AP) ⇒ 60/80/100/120/140 (+35% AP)
- Center Snip: 100% True Damage ⇒ 75% True Damage
- [NEW] MINION PLAYED ROCK: Now deals 75% damage against minions with more than 20% health
- [NEW] MINION PLAYED PAPER: Minions below 20% health take 1000% bonus damage instead
W - Hallowed Mist
- Bonus Armor and MR: 12/14/16/18/20 (+5% AP) ⇒ 17/19/21/23/25 (+7% AP)
- Duration: 5 ⇒ 4 seconds
E - Skip'n Slash
- Bonus Magic Damage on-hit: 10(+15%AP) ⇒ 15(+20%AP)
- Bonus Range: 50 ⇒ 75
- Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 ⇒ 13/12.5/12/11.5/11 seconds
- Cooldown Refunded on First Basic Attack: 50% ⇒ 25/35/45/55/65%
R - Needlework
- Damage Per Needle: 30/55/80(+8%AP) ⇒ 35/65/95(+10%AP)
- [UPDATE] NEW PATTERNS: Recast resets after damaging an enemy champion ⇒ Recast resets after 1 second
Base Stats
- Base Health: 632 ⇒ 600
- Base Mana: 325 ⇒ 340 Mana Growth: 50 ⇒ 40
- Base Mana Regeneration: 1.6 ⇒ 1.2 per second
- Mana Regeneration Growth: 0.18 ⇒ 0.16
- Base Attack Damage: 63 ⇒ 58
- Attack Damage Growth: 3 ⇒ 3.3
- Attack Speed Growth: 1.6% ⇒ 2%
Passive - Fleet of Foot
- Bonus Move Speed: 35/40/45/50/55 ⇒ 55/60/65/70/75 (levels 1/6/11/16/18)
- Bonus Move Speed Duration: 2 seconds ⇒ Decays over 1.5 seconds
Q - Boomerang Blade
- Base Damage: 35/50/65/80/95 (+70/85/100/115/130% total AD) (+50% AP) ⇒ 25/40/55/70/85 (+80/85/90/65/100% total AD) (+60% AP)
- Cooldown: 7 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 10/9.5/9/8.5/8 seconds Cast time: 0.25 seconds ⇒ 0.25-0 seconds (scales down with attack speed)
- [NEW] CRITICAL CHALICAR: Now scales with critical strike chance, dealing up to 50% bonus damage at 100% crit chance
- Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110 ⇒ 55/60/65/70/75
- Missile Speed: 1350 ⇒ 1450 outwards and 1200 inward
W - Ricochet
- Damage: 30/45/60/75/90% total AD ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50% total AD
- Mana Cost :: 75 ⇒ 60
- [UPDATE] Buff Duration: 3 attacks ⇒ 4 seconds Cooldown :: 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 ⇒ 10 seconds at all ranks
- [NEW] SPEED BOOST: Activating Ricochet now grants Sivir 20/25/30/35/40% bonus attack speed
- [NEW] TOUGH CROWD: Now deals 80% damage against minions
- Max Bounces: Unlimited bounces ⇒ 8 bounces per Attack Bounce Range :: 450 ⇒ 500 (note: approximately 1 additional Teemo)
- Bounce Missile Speed: 700 ⇒ 1000
- [NEW] BOUNCE BOOST: Ricochets can now bounce back to targets that have already been hit, but only one additional time. Ricochets will prioritize new targets first.
E - Spell Shield
- Cooldown: 22/19/16/13/10 ⇒ 22/20/18/16/14 seconds
- [NEW] HAPPY HEALS: Blocking an enemy ability now heals Sivir for 60/65/70/75/80% of her total AD (+50% total AP) [NEW]
- SEE YA: Blocking an enemy ability now procs Sivir’s Passive - Fleet of Foot
- [REMOVED] NOT SO QUICK: Blocking an enemy ability with E no longer refunds mana
R - On the Hunt
- Cooldown: 120/100/80 ⇒ 100/85/70 seconds
- Duration :: 8 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 8/10/12 seconds
- [NEW] THE HUNT CONTINUES: If Sivir assists with a recent takedown while her R - On the Hunt buff is active, its aura will now refresh its duration
- [NEW] COOL(DOWN): Sivir’s basic attacks during R - On the Hunt now reduce her basic ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds per attack
- [REMOVED] FAREWELL, GOOD HUNTERS: Sivir no longer gains bonus attack speed from R - On the Hunt
- [REMOVED] SLOW START: No longer gives Sivir and her allies an initial movement speed burst
Divine Sunderer
- Spellblade Damage: (12% melee/9% ranged) of target's maximum health ⇒ 125% base AD (+(6% melee/3% ranged) of target's maximum health)
- Heal: 50% of premitigation damage (+(6% melee/3% ranged) of target's maximum health) ⇒ 65% of premitigation damage (+(4.8% melee/2.4% ranged) of target's maximum health) (+100% base AD)
- Mythic Passive Bonus for Legendary Items: 5% armor penetration and 5% magic penetration ⇒ 3% armor penetration and 3% magic penetration
- [UPDATE] FORGET ME NOT: These same changes will apply to the Ornn Masterwork item, Deicide
Demonic Embrace
- [UPDATE] EYES ON ME: Passive - Azakana Gaze now stacks when applied by multiple users (however one user cannot refresh another user’s application of the passive)
Liandry's Anguish
- [UPDATE] LITERAL TORMENT: Passive - Torment now stacks when applied by multiple users (however one user cannot refresh another user’s application of the passive)
Duskblade of Draktharr
- Mythic Passive Bonus for Legendary Items: 5 Ability haste ⇒ 5 Ability haste and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Draktharr's Shadowcarver)
- Mythic Passive Bonus for Legendary Items: 4% Armor penetration ⇒ 4% Armor penetration and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item)
Prowler's Claw
- Mythic Passive Bonus for Legendary Items: 5 Lethality ⇒ 5 Lethality and 5 move speed (same for Ornn Masterwork item, Sandshrike’s Claw)
System Adjustments
Objective Bounties
- Bounty Lingering Duration :: 5 >>> 60 seconds
- [NEW] GET CASH NOW :: Bounties will now start to fall off a little earlier when the losing team reduces the lead
- [NEW] WOAH THERE :: Claiming an objective bounty as bounties are lingering now cancels all other objective bounties on the map (until bounties are reactivated due to a large lead)
- [NEW] HOARDERS GONNA HOARD :: Champions with gold accumulating passives such as Draven or Gangplank and runes like Treasure Hunter no longer count towards your team’s total gold when calculating bounties
- [UPDATE] HOW MUCH IS A DRAGON WORTH :: The way dragons and towers are weighted when calculated for bounties has been updated to be more in line with player expectations
- NOW YOU SEE ME: All jungle monsters and wards will now be visible instantly, even upon dashing or blinking into visible range
Game Modes
- Ultimate Spellbook makes a return, but this time it’s Star Guardian themed. This iteration of Spellbook will include Star Guardian minions and Ahri as an announcer!
- Non-Star Guardian related updates to the game mode:
- Players can now choose from 4 ultimate abilities instead of 3
- The pool of ultimates to choose from has been updated with new abilities
- All of the dragons from traditional Summoner’s Rift have made their way into Spellbook
Shadow Isles Clash
- Team formation for the second weekend of Shadow Isles Clash starts on July 18, and the tournament days are on July 23 and 24.
- Adding Regional Transfer Rank Preservation. If you transfer your account out of a region and back to that region within two weeks, your account’s ranked state upon returning to your original region will be restored to what it was when you left. This is intended to curb some region-transfer rank abuse we’ve been seeing and also means you won’t have to re-do your ranked climb if you take your League account with you on a quick vacation