Aiming to shake up League of Legends with its "durability update," the LoL 12.10 patch will look to affect all of the game's champions, shaking up gameplay entirely.
This update will boost champions' base stats such as base health, health per level, and more, as well as revise a number of system changes, including Baron Nashor damage, Grievous Wounds, Turrets, and more.
That being said, here's everything we know about League of Legends patch 12.10, including its release date, patch notes, and more!
LATEST - LoL 12.10 Patch Notes have been revealed!
The official LoL 12.10 Patch Notes have been revealed!
Thanks to developers Riot Games, League players will be able to enjoy everything that this hefty patch offers. This includes the sweeping Durability Changes, the new High Noon skins, and more.
For the full rundown on the patch notes click here.
LoL 12.10 Release Date
Adhering to the official League of Legends patch schedule, LoL 12.10 is set to release on Wednesday, May 25, 2022.
This means that in just a week, players will be able to take part and play around with the plethora of champion and system changes hitting Summoner's Rift upon release.
What's Coming in LoL 12.10?
Due to the aforementioned "durability update" taking place, League of Legends players can expect no specific changes to go live. Instead, the LoL 12.10 patch notes can be seen as one big single patch note for the game as a whole.

As the one big single patch note, the game's forthcoming "durability update" will be the most significant patch of Season 12 as it'll touch on all of the game's champions, half of the items in the item shop, and overhaul a number of runes.
Additionally, it'll look to also affect a handful of Systems such as Baron Nashor and Turret damage, Grievous Wounds, and more.
With all of these changes Riot hopes to slow the game down as champions will overall be tankier, stopping burst kills in the process.
“While tons of damage can be fun and exciting, we believe that increasing champions’ defensive stats will be beneficial for letting players showcase their skill by giving them more opportunities for counterplay and to live out their high moments,” stated the developers in a blog post.
LoL 12.10 Patch Notes
If you're still looking to get into the specifics and numbers, here are the placeholder 12.10 patch notes courtesy of Riot and Surrender@20.
All champions
Base stats
- Base health increased by 70
- Health per level increased by 14
- Armor per level increased by 1.2
- Magic resist per level increased by 0.8
- Reduced by 10-28%, depending on champion
- Reduced by 10% on average
Baron Nashor
- Attack damage: 125 + 8 per minute ⇒ 150 + 10 per minute
Grievous Wounds
- Base reduced from 40% to 30%
- Enhanced reduced from 60% to 50%
Magic and armor penetration items
- Reduced by 5-10%, depending on item
Systems with healing (items, runes)
- Reduced by 10-28%, depending on item or rune
Systems with shielding (items, runes)
- Reduced by 10% on average
- Outer Turret AD: 152-278 ⇒ 167-391
- Inner Turret AD: 170-305 ⇒ 187-427
- Inhibitor Turret AD: 170-305 ⇒ 187-427
- Nexus Turret AD: 150-285 ⇒ 165-405
- Damage to minions unchanged
LoL 12.10 Skins
Although this patch is different than the usual update, a new update is still a new update, which means that LoL players can still expect a handful of new skins.
Patch 12.10 will continue what 12.9 started and bring on five more High Noon skins namely for Samira, Sion, Tahm Kench, Twitch, and Viktor all priced at 1350 RP.
For more information on the new skins and how they look, you can check them out here.