How to tune in and watch Ubisoft's new Tom Clancy game announcement

Ubisoft is set to reveal a new Tom Clancy game later today and you can tune in and watch the new Tom Clancy game announcement for yourself online! Footage has started to appear from outlets and content creators showing a fairly bland modern FPS and everyone is... Sceptical about what Ubisoft have up their sleeves.

How To Watch The Reveal Stream

Ubisoft is set to announce a new game in Tom Clancy's universe later today and we have all the information on how you can watch it below. It might not be Splinter Cell, but it's something.

All you need to do is head to YouTube at 11:00 PST / 14:00 EST / 19:00 BST on July 19th to check out everything they have to offer.

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Below, we have the Worldwide Premiere Reveal Stream embedded for you below:

New Tom Clancy Game Looks A Bit Lame

Ubisoft's new Tom Clancy game, currently untitled, seems lacklustre and, quite frankly, nothing like a Tom Clancy game. If there's one thing Tom Clancy games do, it's offer something of a different experience to the mainstream. The new Tom Clancy game, though, looks exactly like every other modern-era FPS title ever made in the worst possible way.

We don't want to criticise the development team, though. We know making games can be tough and it takes a lot of skill. The issue is, really, that it just doesn't look like something anyone's going to want to pay a lot to play. The prices of games are only going up and we can imagine something with the Tom Clancy name attached is going to be something Ubisoft is charging for.

We want this game to be good - and hark back to the near-future combat of Ghost Recon before its open-world exploits - but it seems unlikely looking at the snippets of footage being shared online ahead of the Reveal Stream later today.

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