We all want to do just a little bit more to help the environment. Whether it's turning off the tap while brushing our teeth, using public transport, or switching off electronics overnight, there are plenty of little habits to get into that can reduce our carbon footprint.
But when it comes to gaming, going green hasn’t historically been the easiest thing. High-spec rigs and modern consoles can soak up electricity usage, and our plastic-filled hardware can be a challenge to reuse and recycle. More often than not our consoles end up in a landfill, which is a very poor outcome, hurts overall sustainability, and can make you wonder whether there’s a way to make gaming greener.
That's where Gratitude comes in. This forward-thinking subscription service is bursting onto the scene to make your gaming practices much greener, so you can dive into your favourite titles while knowing you’re doing your bit to offset the environmental impact.

What is Gratitude?
Gratitude isn't like your average gaming subscription service. While playing all the games you know and love, such as Grand Theft Auto V, Cyberpunk 2077, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, it has another eye on the environmental impact of the games you can't get enough of.
The premise behind Gratitude is really simple. For a small monthly fee, you'll offset the cost of your gaming power usage and donate to environmental, conservation, and social charities. You choose which of Gratitudes charities to donate to.
As soon as you join Gratitude, you can pick from a range of green causes to become your main beneficiary. You can then track how much you've passively given to these causes over time, as well as switch out your main donation if you're ready to give another charity some of your much-needed donations. From Shark Trust to How Many Elephants, there's bound to be a charitable cause that appeals to your values.

Goals of the service
Gratitude has one core goal: to reduce gaming’s environmental footprint. It’s common to see game cases with seldom-recycled plastic or huge servers dedicated to storing our cloud data that burn through great amounts of energy. Gratitude is seeking to help us make our favourite hobby more sustainable.
It all starts with the core subscription fee, but it's so much more than just that. Gratitude liaises with gaming companies seeking to reduce their carbon footprint, advising them on ways to make their practices more sustainable. Not only do you benefit by knowing that your regular subscription is helping a reputable charity, but you can also get the satisfaction that comes from playing an active part in making gaming greener.
There's one small, but hugely consequential, number that drives Gratitude - the 1.5 degrees climate target. It’s something you’ve probably heard of through climate talks and rallies. Gratitude takes it seriously. The idea is to offset the damage of global warming and take steps towards making the world a better place. This target propels the passion and positive progress behind Gratitude and makes the effortless task of signing up and redirecting your gaming budget to a worthy cause make complete sense.

Why gamers should take note
Gratitude is the perfect option for dedicated gamers who want to do their bit and help save our planet while still diving into their favourite games. Nothing feels better than knowing you're doing some good, and being able to pair that with iconic games and trustworthy beneficiaries is a great way to do it.
Sometimes it feels challenging for us as individuals to help combat climate change. We can't stop fossil fuels or worldwide pollution alone, but we can still do our bit by being more environmentally conscious. Gratitude wants to give you the opportunity to achieve this through a gaming lens, and as such it's a no-brainer for environmentalist gamers. It’s ultimately a great way to enjoy your favourite games while also making our world a cleaner and more sustainable place.
Therefore, conscious gamers out there have one new thing to add to their list of small, but sustainable, daily practices. Switching off plugs? Check. Taking public transport? Check. Using Gratitude? Check. You can find out more over on Gratitude's official site right now!