How to Complete the Where His Life Lies Quest in Genshin Impact

A screenshot of the Traveler and Paimon walking with Lutong and Garcia in Fontaine.
Credit: HoYoverse

A screenshot of the Traveler and Paimon walking with Lutong and Garcia in Fontaine.
Credit: HoYoverse

Trying to complete the Where His Life Lies quest? In Genshin Impact 4.6, a flurry of new quests has been introduced, especially in the new area of Nostoi. However, this one takes place in the Court of Fontaine!

This particular quest is quite simple to follow, as it's mostly cutscenes. However, the rather lengthy prerequisite to unlock this quest is where most players get stuck. Let's find out how to unlock the Where His Life Lies quest and how to complete it!

How to Unlock Where His Life Lies

The World Quest "Where His Life Lies" is available to you only if you have completed the prerequisite quest. This involves doing a series of five commissions for Garcia in Sumeru, which are as follows:

  • Garcia's Paean: Key Items
  • Garcia's Paean: Substitute
  • Garcia's Paean: By Bearings
  • Garcia's Paean: Easy Peasy
  • Garcia's Paean: the Echo of Someone
A screenshot showing Lutong and Garcia talking in the first cutscene for the Where His Life Lies quest.
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You'll need to wait for these daily commissions to come to you, so you'll want to increase your chances by opting for Sumeru commissions in the Adventurer's Handbook! Once you've completed these commissions, you can unlock Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility and work your way through the quest.

To check if you have unlocked Where His Life Lies, visit Effendi and take a look at the Sumeru Reputation board. It should be there if you have completed Garcia's Paean: A Gift of Compatibility.

Where His Life Lies Quest Walkthrough

To begin the quest Where His Life Lies, make your way to the Court of Fontaine using the nearby Teleport Waypoint. You’ll find the location of this quest indicated by a blue exclamation marker in the centre of the building.

A screenshot of the map showing the starting point of Where His Life Lies, indicated by the blue arrow marker.
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Once you’re in the Court of Fontaine, navigate to the Waterway Hub, where you’ll find two NPCs called Lutong and Garcia standing next to the Information Booth. Garcia will have a blue exclamation point over his head, signifying that he has a quest for you. Interact with him to begin the quest.

Following the cutscene, you will need to head to the Fountain of Lucine using the Teleport Waypoint nearby. Near the fountain, Kaia will join the group. As Kaia is Garcia’s love interest, they will leave the group to go to a cafe, and you will be tasked with going to a more secluded place with Lutong.

After the cutscene, the next quest marker will have you return to the Court of Fontaine, where you need to visit a cafe with Lutong. The quickest way to get there is by using the Teleport Waypoint near Hotel Debord, and gliding down!

Next, you will need to look for Menthe on Luthong’s request. Run up the stairs, over to the designated location which isn’t too far away, and a cutscene with Menthe will follow.

The last task of this quest is to meet up with Garcia's group, which is in front of the cafe. Once the cutscene concludes, you will receive your quest completion rewards.

That’s all it takes to complete the Where His Life Lies quest in Genshin Impact! For successfully finishing this quest, you’ll receive the following rewards:

  • 21,500 Mora
  • 3 Hero's Wit

Before you go, feel free to check out how to gain the Leader's Trust in The Last Day Of Remuria Quest. Also, here's how to make your way to Petrichor in Genshin Impact!

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