Where to Find and How to Defeat Riot in Fortnite

We're well into Week 7 of Fortnite's Season 7, which means it's time for another round of challenges and quests. We've has plenty of new content dropped this week between updates and the Ferrari announcement.

One of this week's asks you to 'Defeat Riot' so we've got a guide on how to find him and defeat him.

Where to Find Riot in Fortnite

First things first, you'll need to actually find Riot on the map before you can take him out.

Currently, Riot can be found just by the Yellow Steel Bridge that is between Catty Corner and Misty Meadows on the Fortnite map.

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SEARCH: He's on the near side of the bridge

Check out the screenshot of him down below for exactly where you'll find him.

How to Defeat Riot in Fortnite

Now for the trickier bit. To actually complete the Epic quest, you'll need to defeat him.

You'll need to be loaded up with weapons, health, and armor, so don't go dropping into him right from the start, because it will not end well. Then, you'll need to approach him in a certain way.

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STAY AWAY: You'll want to keep your distance

You'll want to keep your distance as Riot has a lot of health for you to burn through and he doesn't miss from short range.

He uses and Epic Heavy Assault Rifle, so using something like a Sniper would be really helpful.

Just keep moving, taking pop shots, and chipping away at his health and you should be able to defeat Riot nice and quickly.

If you do have to go up close, make sure you're shielded up and have some powerful weapons of your own. If you can simply do a lot more damage in a short period of time that Riot himself, you'll be able to complete the Epic quests without too many issues.

Riot also doesn't move far, so you should always find him in this location. Therefore, if you don't manage to defeat him the first time, you can try again in the next game with the tips you've learned.

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