Clash of Clans - How to get the 6th builder

Clash of Clans builders

Clash of Clans builders

Clash of Clans is now well into the Town Hall 15 update, with players around the world grinding to the new building and troop levels. With armies no longer needing elixir, it's even easier to start making the push towards max level, and build a base your enemies will be keen to avoid.

The 6th builder is the key to maximising your progress, and although it's a little tricky to get, it's well worth it in the end. Here's everything you need to know about how to get your hands on it so you can start upgrading ASAP.

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How to get the 6th Builder in Clash of Clans

The process of getting the last builder for your village does take a grind, but it won't be long until it becomes second nature. The key thing is it actually gives you a use for the builder base, and will be even easier for players who already have that levelled up.

The first step is to get your builder base to level 9, as you won't be able to proceed without it. Once you have, purchase the OTTO Hut from the builder base shop, as it will be OTTO that becomes your new builder in Clash of Clans.

Clash of Clans OTTO
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Once you have the OTTO hut, you'll need to upgrade it to level 5 to unlock the last builder. Each level will require a different step:

  1. Construct the O.T.T.O Hut
  2. Gear Up 3 buildings
  3. Upgrade the Cannon Cart to level 18
  4. Upgrade the Mega Tesla to level 9
  5. Upgrade the Battle Machine to level 30

Once you complete all these steps in Clash of Clans, you'll have your extra builder. Remember you'll need to manually upgrade the hut after each step.

How to get the 6th builder in your home base

Once you have the OTTO upgraded, you'll see that you have two builders in your builder base. You'll now be able to leave OTTO in your builder base, and your master builder will be free to travel to your Clash of Clans home base.

Simply tap on the master builder hut or the smaller boat on your shores, and you'll be given the option for the master builder to travel. The value you can get by having a 6th home builder is huge, so we always recommend you send him there.

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