Introduced in WoW Classic WotLK Phase 2 is the brand-new Titan Rune Dungeon feature. A new optional mode that, when activated by using the Mysterious Device near each dungeon's entrance, increases the health and damage of monsters, increasing the dungeon's difficulty.
Upon completing these newly difficulted dungeons, players will be rewarded loot from 10-man Naxxramas, Eye of Eternity, and Obsidian Sanctum raids
Additionally, not only does a raid-level piece of loot drop but one lucky player will be awarded three Emblems of Conquest—alongside the usual Emblem of Valor—which can be used to purchase higher-end gear.
That being said, here's all of the loot players can find in Titan Rune dungeons in WoW Classic WotLK.
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All Titan Rune Dungeon Loot in WoW Classic WoTLK
- Krik'thir - Loatheb's Shadow
- Hadronox - Preceptor's Bindings
- Anub'arak - Nerubian Conquerer
- Anub'arak - Tier 7 Helmet Token
Ahn’Kahet: The Old Kingdom
- Jedoga - Legplates of Inescapable Death
- Herald Volazj - Chestguard of Flagrant Prowess
- Herald Volazj - Death’s Bite
- Herald Volazj - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
- Herald Volazj - Tier 7 Leg Token
Drak’Tharon Keep
- Trollgore - Shroud of the Scourage
- Prophet Tron’ja - Kel’Thuzad’s Reach
- Prophet Tron’ja - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
- Slad’ran - Embrace of the Spider
- Slad’ran - Plague-Impervious Boots
- Gal’Darah - Drakescale Collar
- Gal’Darah - Hailstorm
- Gal’Darah - Tier 7 Head Token
Halls of Lightning
- Bjarngrim - Deflection Band
- Volkhan - Knife Incision
- Ionar - Collar Dissolution
- Loken - Ice Spire Scepter
- Loken - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
- Loken - Tier 7 Head Token
Halls of Stone
- Tribunal - Grieving Spellblade
- Sjonnir - Greatring of Collision
- Sjonnir - Pendant of the Dragonsworm
- Sjonnir - Greatstaff of the Nexus
- Sjonnir - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
Culling of Stratholme
- Meathook - Crimson Steel
- Meathook - Gale-Proof Cloak
- Infinite Corruptor - The Stray
- Mal’Ganis - Chain of the Ancient Wyrm
- Mal’Ganis - Barricade of the Eternity
- Mal’Ganis - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
- Mal’Ganis - Tier 7 Head Token
The Nexus
- Anomalus - Gown of Blaumeux
- Anomalus - Tunic of Dislocation
- Anomalus - Circle of Life
- Ormorok the Tree-Shaper - Signet of the Malevolent
- Ormorok the Tree-Shaper - Thane’s Tainted Greathelm
- Keristrasza - Torque of the Red Dragonflight
- Keristrasza - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
- Keristrasza - Tier 7 Leg Token
Utgarde Keep
- Prince Keleseth - Spectral Rider’s Girdle
- Prince Keleseth - Veiled Amulet of Life
- Dalronn and Skarvald - Leggings of the Instructor
- Dalronn and Skarvald - Slayer of the Lifeless
- Ingvar the Plunderer - The Soulblade
- Ingvar the Plunderer - Footsteps of Malygos
- Ingvar the Plunderer - Surge Needle Ring
- Ingvar the Plunderer - Tier 7 Shoulder Token
- Ingvar the Plunderer - Tier 7 Head Token
Utgarde Pinnacle
- Svala Sorrowgrave - Rapid Attack Gloves
- Svala Sorrowgrave -Accursed Bow of the Elite
- Gortok Palehoof - Cowl of the Sheet Lightning
- Skadi the Ruthless - Chain of the Latent Energies
- King Ymiron - Hammer of the Astral Plain
- King Ymiron - Tier 7 Leg Token
- King Ymiron - Tier 7 Head Token