Age of Empires 4 is close to release day now, which is just over a week out!
This game is all about reliving (and rewriting) history by controlling some of its biggest battles.
Witness both familiar and innovative ways to expand your empire in vast landscapes--all in stunning 4K visual fidelity.
If you're looking to pick up Age of Empires 4, we have all the details you need to know about how to pre-order it.
Pre Order
As reported, Age of Empires 4 returns to glory on October 28th, 2021!

It is available for preorder on Xbox and PC now - and depending on the edition you preorder, you can end up with some awesome rewards as well.
Digital Deluxe Edition
When you pre order the Age of Empires 4 Digital Deluxe Edition, you immediately receive a special gift.
You get the Age of Empires 2: Dawn of the Dukes expansion as a free bonus to play while waiting for launch day - and that's just the beginning.
This edition also includes the official Age of Empires 4 soundtrack, unit counters chart, art compilation from digital painter Craig Mullins, and exclusive in-game content like a unique coat of arms, player profile portrait, and monuments.
You can pre order it now for $79.99.
Standard Edition
The Age of Empires 4 Standard Edition may not come with the same frills, but it's significantly cheaper at just $59.99.
Xbox Game Pass
Age of Empires IV will also land on Xbox Game Pass right from launch, meaning those who aren't sure of the revitalized RTS can give it a shot while picking up access to a number of other games at the same time.

Players have to option to choose from three plans for Xbox Game Pass, each featuring Age of Empires 4 on release day.
Ultimate - first month for $1, then $14.99/month
- Play over 100 high-quality games on console, PC, and mobile devices
- New games added all the time
- Xbox Game Studios titles the same day as release
- Exclusive member discounts and deals
- Play games from the cloud
- Free Perks including in-game content and partner offers
- Includes Gold (Xbox Live Gold includes Deals with Gold, Games with Gold, and console multiplayer)
- Includes EA Play (A library of top Electronic Arts titles on PC, exclusive rewards, and member-only content)
PC - first month for $1, then $9.99/month
- Play over 100 high-quality games on PC
- New games added all the time
- Xbox Game Studios titles the same day as release
- Member discounts and deals
- Includes EA Play (A library of top Electronic Arts titles on PC, exclusive rewards, and member-only content)
Console - $9.99/month
- Play over 100 high-quality console games on console
- New games added all the time
- Xbox Game Studios titles the same day as release
- Member discounts and deals