Valorant Give Back Bundle: Release date, price, skins & more

Valorant Give Back Bundle

Valorant Give Back Bundle

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Valorant has introduced a new bundle, and this one is very special. The bundle is called Give Back, and just like the name indicates, it will give back to noble causes. It's a way for Valorant players to support a good cause, and help change the world.

This bundle will send 50% of the money generated from weapon skins, and 100% from other cosmetics to the Riot Games Social Impact Fund. This fund helps hundreds of global organizations, that fight for a better world.

So, let's find out everything about the Valorant Give Back bundle.

Release date

The Give Back bundle arrived at Valorant on July 19 and will be live until August 4. It's the most recent bundle to arrive at the game and is sharing the front page of the store with the Ignite Capsule bundle.

Valorant Give Back bundle skins

As usual, the Give Back bundle brings skins from past skinlines. The skins present in this bundle were selected by the Valorant community. Through a Twitter pool, fans decided which four weapon skins they wanted to see in the bundle.

Valorant Give Back Bundle
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Here are all the skins included in the Valorant Give Back bundle.

The Gaia’s Vengeance Vandal, Recon Spectre, Reaver Guardian, and the Magepunk Sheriff, were the selected skins. These are some of the most beloved skins by the community. Players will once again have the chance to acquire them.

However, the Give Back bundle doesn't only bring these four skins. It also brings one unique player card, spray, and gunbuddy.


The Give Back bundle cost 6387 Valorant Points, with every skin going for 1775 Valorant Points.

When it comes to the other cosmetic elements the bundle offers, they vary in price. The player card costs 775 Valorant Points, the gunbuddy 975 Valorant Points, and the spray goes for 675 Valorant Points.

Valorant Give Back Bundle spray
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The Valorant community is having mixed reactions about the Give Back bundle. While the majority of the community likes the initiative, and the skins included in the bundle, they are unhappy with the skin prices.

To many, the player card, gunbuddy and spray cost too much. Some players have said that having a gunbuddy cost almost as much as a Battle Pass makes no sense.