Gilles Simon on eTennis, His Love for Games & Competing in Roland-Garros eSeries

Gilles Simon Roland-Garros eSeries Cover

Gilles Simon Roland-Garros eSeries Cover

The Roland-Garros eSeries 2024 is just around the corner and I had the honor to interview the legendary French Tennis player Gilles Simon, who is making his debut in the esports scene.

In this interview, Gilles talked about his love for video games, what made him accept the invite to participate in the Roland-Garros eSeries 2024, the importance of the eTennis industry, and much more.

So, let's get right into it.

What motivated you to compete in the Roland-Garros eSeries?

"Well, I was part of the show last year, video games have always been important for me, in my regular life, and as a Tennis player, so I always played a lot and enjoyed playing different games.
That's why I had the connection last year, I wanted to be a part of it but just as a spectator and commentator.
The show we had was also about Tennis since it was during the French Open, but as I wanted to know what I was talking about, I started to play the game and I liked it. I was like 'Okay why not, maybe next year I try to play if they are ok with it'.
So I will try my best, I know I'm not at the level of the other players but I just want to see how it is, try to compete, and see how I feel."

What does it mean to you to play in an event like this?

"It's my first experience, for me video games were just a pleasure, something I did in my free time, I enjoyed playing them a lot but it was never a competition.
I'm a huge fan of video games because I like to explore different worlds and experience a different atmosphere, but it's really just about playing the game and having an adventure, it's not about competition for me.
But as a Tennis player, of course, I know what competition is, and I felt like I wanted to taste it, and see if I liked it or not.
'Do I want to compete in video games, or are video games just a pleasure and something I enjoy doing? This is why I wanted to see the combination of both.

In your opinion, what makes the Roland-Garros eSeries such a special and unique event?

"First it's a Tennis game, it's a very simple game because I feel the gameplay is quite easy, but what I really like about it is that it's easy to play but it's a lot about skill.
You know most of the games are pay-to-win, but here you just feel like 'Okay we are going to enter the game, have the same card, and character, and let's play', I like it when games are about skill, and this is the main reason why I enjoy it.
The second reason is, of course, the connection with Roland-Garros and the French Open. Having the French Open starting the eSeries and having to deal with the other tournaments, because there is the campaign throughout the whole year with the Olympics and all the other tournaments, I feel like when you have the support of the federation you have a great chance of making a big competition and playing in a great atmosphere, and that's what I like."

Did you create a training routine to prepare for the Roland-Garros eSeries, similar to what you used to do to prepare for huge tournaments such as Grand Slams?

"I don't know how to prepare for an Esports competition, I just play. I started playing a bit more because the event is near, is not like I'm going to catch up on the level because the guys are maybe practicing 10 times harder than me.
But again I want to see that, I met the guys last year and they were nice, I feel like it was a good atmosphere, they tried to win the tournament but they were all in the same club, you know? They play together, practice, etc.
So I liked the atmosphere, and I wanted to be part of it, that's it."

You have recently joined Daniil Medvedev's coaching staff. So did Daniil join your coaching staff for the Roland-Garros eSeries and help you prepare for the tournament, Gill?

"Daniil loves video games but he is more about other games. He plays a lot of Rainbow Six, but for him it's in his generation, this generation they all grew up with video games.
I was born in 1984 so I'm of the first generation of players, maybe there were some earlier than me at the beginning of the 80s, but I know all the games, I was playing on the Super NES, and the Mega Drive, so it's a long way, and for them is very democratic.
For my generation, it was not popular to play video games. I remember being asked 'What do you like to do in your free time during the tournaments?', and if I said 'Oh I like to play video games', they would say 'Are you stupid or what?'.
This is also why I enjoy playing so much right now, because now it's more well accepted, and with Esports people also recognize that you need some skill, and it's not just some stupid teenagers who are just playing video games, you have some for sure like in everywhere else, but I'm just happy to play and happy to work with players that also love video games."

How does it feel knowing that you will once again play in a Roland-Garros tournament, but this time in an eTennis event, and a completely different setting and environment?

"This is one of the good parts of this project as you play the final in the stadium, and this year it will also have a crowd. Last year for example I was not doing anything, I was just retired so I had no reason to go to the stadium, even if I live 500 meters from there, and you know what, I went there just for the eSeries.
So I was happy to have a good reason to go to the stadium, and I think it's going to be even better this year because it's getting a little bit bigger every year, and I'm happy to support it."

You’ve played in the biggest stages of Tennis, and as you mentioned in previous interviews, it’s normal to feel the pressure, and what is important is to deal with it with conviction and determination. Do you think you will feel pressure in the Roland-Garros eSeries similar to what you used to feel in a competitive Tennis match?

"No, similar no because playing Tennis was my life, I've been a Tennis player since I remember and I'm pretty sure that the pressure was bigger, for sure, but also I was able to deal with the pressure because it was something I knew.
What will be different here is that even if the pressure is less, again normally I just play video games to enjoy and I like to compete so I will try my best, but if I lose it's not the end of the world. When I lost in the French Open it was the end of the world, so that's the big difference.
But I'm someone who wants to do his best every time, so I'm going to put pressure on myself, and what I don't know is how I'm going to deal with this pressure because it's a new type of pressure, it's not as big as in the Tennis court for sure, but I'm not used to dealing with it so let's see how it goes.
Maybe I just feel like I have the finger trembling, and the connection is not good, but I want to see how it is."

How much of an advantage does all the experience you have from playing in the biggest stages of Tennis, in front of millions of people from all around the world give you in this tournament?

"Well, it gives you experience about how to deal with pressure. It's always about knowing you are going to have some pressure and trying to calm down. Knowing that I faced the biggest challenges, fears, and that kinda pressure, and that I was able to handle it, I'm sure it's going to help me rationalize if I feel a bit stressed on that day."

What is your main goal for this tournament?

"My goal is to give 100% to see how far I can go, and from there to see if I liked it a lot when it comes to competing against these players, and also see if I'm ready to go even harder next year.
This year it was like 'Okay, I played the game, I liked it, so why not play?', 'Oh, we are going to give you a Wildcard spot'. So I'm going to do my best because I'm taking the spot of someone who wanted to be there, so for the respect of these players I will really give my best, but I also know I'm not on their level, that's the reality.
I played maybe 2000 matches, I checked the other players and they played maybe around 40000 matches, it's not the same level. But I want to see how I enjoy it, if I'm too far, if I feel it's going to take too much time to get to that level, since as you know I also have other projects taking my time, if I want to push even further, or just keep it this way and enjoy playing the game."

Can we expect to see Gilles Simon in future eTennis events, and continue to help grow this industry?

"Yeah, again, this is something I've been doing since I was very young. The only thing is that I was never into Esports, because video games for me were always just a pleasure, it's a hobby, it's a passion that I have outside of Tennis, but it's about enjoying playing.
So I don't know if I try to compete in video games it isn't going to become stressful, and if I'm going to get nervous, be mad when I'm losing, and that is not why I'm playing video games in the very first place. This is why I haven't tried competing in eTennis events until now, but it's my first competitive experience so let's see if I enjoy it or not."

Do you think we will see more Tennis stars in future eTennis events, and if so why?

"Not only Tennis stars, I think any other sports player can do it because there is always a similarity. When you are on the Tennis court the hardest part is that you have to make decisions quickly, and one of the only areas in your life that can teach you that is video games.
When I was playing Tetris, breaking the world record in my room when I was 14, I had to make decisions super fast about how to place a piece here or there. I know video games have some bad side effects and everyone talks only about that, but no one talks about the positives it brings.
I'm pretty sure that all the Tennis players, I know many of them are playing video games, because this is something we are used to doing, we have to make quick decisions, and you will see many players playing in the Esports industry, no matter which ones, and perform because there is a connection, there is a link between the two."

How does the success of the eTennis industry scene help the Tennis game in general?

"Right now we don't have many Tennis games. I was part of TopSpin 4, which I think was the best, in my opinion not because I was a player in it, Tennis game ever. We have TopSpin 2K25 now, I haven't played it yet I just watched the gameplay and I'm not a huge fan of it, based only on my first impression, but let's see how it goes.
But for some reason, it's difficult to find a good Tennis game, and also we are in a generation when it comes to video games where the goal is to have a lot of people playing and make them more accessible. The games are easier than before because we don't want the player to get frustrated at the start and quit, and that's how it is.
The problem I have is with the reality, the graphics look beautiful and people feel like 'Oh, video games now feel like real life'. The problem you have with Tennis is that if you want to make a realistic game, that feels like Tennis on the court, it's going to be a horrible game because in real life you just miss.
So if you want something realistic you are going to have a game with gameplay that is very hard and that fits reality. That's why I feel like most of the Tennis games when they focus too much on the graphics and realistic aspect of Tennis are losing, because what we want is a game, like I said about Tennis Clash, easy to play, where you can just play the game and enjoy.
If I want to break a record I go on the Tennis court, so you have to find a good balance and I think the main problem is there. It's not easy in a sport like Tennis where you miss a lot to have something that is both realistic and that you can enjoy."

Do you think eTennis is a way to attract a younger audience to watch and even start playing Tennis?

"Yeah, but I also feel it will be more the reverse. I don't think someone who isn't into Tennis will somehow download a Tennis game for any reason, play it, and feel like ' I liked this game so I'm going to watch Tennis'.
I think it's more the other way around, it's ' I like Tennis, I'm already a Tennis fan, I'm looking for a good Tennis game, and oh, there is none'. That's more how I see it."

What do you have to say to your opponents?

"Well, guys I don't even need to wish you good luck because you won't need it against me, but good luck against each other, it was a very nice atmosphere when I was watching you guys play last year, and I hope we are going to bring the same atmosphere again no matter who wins this tournament."
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